Navy’s new top admiral calls for ‘more players on the field’ in first major speech

Navy’s new top admiral calls for ‘more players on the field’ in first major speech
Navy’s new top admiral calls for ‘more players on the field’ in first major speech

Addressing a crowd of Navy sailors, officers and industry at the Surface Navy Association’s annual event, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti emphasized a clear focus for the fleet: warfighting.

From a suspected spy balloon to a missing plane: 5 air warfare stories from 2023

From a suspected spy balloon to a missing plane: 5 air warfare stories from 2023
From a suspected spy balloon to a missing plane: 5 air warfare stories from 2023

“How in the hell do you lose an F-35?”

It’s (mostly) ‘over’: Tuberville lifts hold on military nominations, except some key 4-star posts

It’s (mostly) ‘over’: Tuberville lifts hold on military nominations, except some key 4-star posts
It’s (mostly) ‘over’: Tuberville lifts hold on military nominations, except some key 4-star posts

Though hundreds of officers now appear to have a path to confirmation, officers up for positions like the head of Indo-Pacific Command and US Cyber Command remain in limbo.

Senate confirms Navy, Air Force chiefs, Marine Corps assistant commandant

Senate confirms Navy, Air Force chiefs, Marine Corps assistant commandant
Senate confirms Navy, Air Force chiefs, Marine Corps assistant commandant

Navy Adm. Lisa Franchetti and Air Force Gen. David Allvin have been confirmed as the respective top officers of the Navy and Air Force. Lt. Gen. Christopher Mahoney was also promoted to general and confirmed as the assistant commandant of the Marine Corps.

With Gen. Smith hospitalized, a 3-star is in command of Marine Corps

With Gen. Smith hospitalized, a 3-star is in command of Marine Corps
With Gen. Smith hospitalized, a 3-star is in command of Marine Corps

The Marine Corps lacks a confirmed assistant commandant due to ongoing gridlock in the Senate.

As Milley exits, ‘toothaches’ and challenges facing Brown’s first days as Joint Chiefs chair

As Milley exits, ‘toothaches’ and challenges facing Brown’s first days as Joint Chiefs chair
As Milley exits, ‘toothaches’ and challenges facing Brown’s first days as Joint Chiefs chair

“We don’t take an oath to a religion. We don’t take an oath to a king, or queen, or tyrant, or dictator. And we don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator,” Gen. Mark Milley said today.

Senate confirms Army, Marine Corps chiefs, though Tuberville hold continues

Senate confirms Army, Marine Corps chiefs, though Tuberville hold continues
Senate confirms Army, Marine Corps chiefs, though Tuberville hold continues

Gen. Randy George and Gen. Eric Smith will now formally take over leadership of the Army and Marine Corps, respectively.

Senate confirms new Joint Chiefs chairman, set to vote on Marine and Army chiefs in political twist

Senate confirms new Joint Chiefs chairman, set to vote on Marine and Army chiefs in political twist
Senate confirms new Joint Chiefs chairman, set to vote on Marine and Army chiefs in political twist

A breakthrough in a blockade on military confirmations came after the Senate’s top Democrat moved to hold individual votes for Brown, as well as Army and Marine Corps leaders.

Chinese ‘popping’ corks: At AFA, service officials warn Tuberville hold emboldening adversaries

Chinese ‘popping’ corks: At AFA, service officials warn Tuberville hold emboldening adversaries
Chinese ‘popping’ corks: At AFA, service officials warn Tuberville hold emboldening adversaries

“I’d go so far as say if you drive north of the National Cathedral on Connecticut Avenue, that popping sound you hear is not stray gunfire. It is champagne corks at the Chinese embassy bouncing off the walls,” Air Force Gen. Mark Kelly said.

Space programs top priorities under CR; next-gen tanker also critical, Hunter says

Space programs top priorities under CR; next-gen tanker also critical, Hunter says
Space programs top priorities under CR; next-gen tanker also critical, Hunter says

Service officials hope that Congress will back Secretary Frank Kendall’s proposal to allow some new programs to begin early work, even if a continuing resolution is in place.

Slife, former Air Force special operations chief, tapped as service No. 2

Slife, former Air Force special operations chief, tapped as service No. 2
Slife, former Air Force special operations chief, tapped as service No. 2

Lt. Gen. Jim Slife will become the Air Force vice chief — if he can get past a confirmation blockade that has stalled out nominations in Congress.

Ducking the culture wars, Senate passes NDAA 86-11

Ducking the culture wars, Senate passes NDAA 86-11
Ducking the culture wars, Senate passes NDAA 86-11

With both versions of the NDAA complete, congressional leadership must now pick conferees for each chamber to sort out two vastly different defense policy bills.

White House taps State Department’s Derek Chollet to fill Pentagon’s top policy post

White House taps State Department’s Derek Chollet to fill Pentagon’s top policy post
White House taps State Department’s Derek Chollet to fill Pentagon’s top policy post

Chollet is currently working in the State Department but has previous experience inside the Pentagon and the White House.

Air Force’s Kendall says servicemembers held ‘hostage’ by Tuberville confirmation blockade

Air Force’s Kendall says servicemembers held ‘hostage’ by Tuberville confirmation blockade
Air Force’s Kendall says servicemembers held ‘hostage’ by Tuberville confirmation blockade

Beyond politics, the Air Force Secretary weighed in on key items in the defense budget, citing concerns about potential cuts to NGAD funding and unnecessary bumps to an alternate F-35 engine.