In surprise Singapore visit, Zelenskyy accuses China of disrupting peace talks, asks for Asian support

In surprise Singapore visit, Zelenskyy accuses China of disrupting peace talks, asks for Asian support
In surprise Singapore visit, Zelenskyy accuses China of disrupting peace talks, asks for Asian support

“This is unfortunate that such a big, independent, powerful country as China is an instrument in the hands of [Russian President Vladimir] Putin,” the Ukrainian president said at the Shangri-La Dialogue.

China’s defense minister hammers away on Taiwan, says peaceful unification chances ‘eroded’

China’s defense minister hammers away on Taiwan, says peaceful unification chances ‘eroded’
China’s defense minister hammers away on Taiwan, says peaceful unification chances ‘eroded’

“Anyone who dares to separate Taiwan from China will only end up in self-destruction,” Adm. Dong Jun, China’s defense minister, said here in remarks liberally sprinkled with aggressive imagery and threats.

Defense Secretary Austin promotes new ‘unique’ Pacific ‘network of partnerships’

Defense Secretary Austin promotes new ‘unique’ Pacific ‘network of partnerships’
Defense Secretary Austin promotes new ‘unique’ Pacific ‘network of partnerships’

Asked by a Chinese military official if he’s talking about a Pacific NATO, Austin emphasized the network is a group of countries “with similar values and a common vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific.”

Austin, Chinese defense minister meet for first ‘constructive’ face-to-face

Austin, Chinese defense minister meet for first ‘constructive’ face-to-face
Austin, Chinese defense minister meet for first ‘constructive’ face-to-face

In reportedly frank talks, US and Chinese military chiefs discuss Taiwan, South China Sea, and, according to the Pentagon, Beijing’s support for Russia’s war in Ukraine.

At Shangri La, senators say US must boost defense spending in showdown with China

At Shangri La, senators say US must boost defense spending in showdown with China
At Shangri La, senators say US must boost defense spending in showdown with China

Sen. Tammy Duckworth said she “wouldn’t commit” to such a dramatic jump in spending as floated by Sen. Roger Wicker, but she “certainly welcome[s] that conversation.”