Skynode S: Auterion autonomy kit lets attack drones fly through jamming

Skynode S: Auterion autonomy kit lets attack drones fly through jamming
Skynode S: Auterion autonomy kit lets attack drones fly through jamming

Just announced on Thursday but already quietly combat-tested in Ukraine, the palm-sized Skynode S card makes small drones much less dependent on an uninterrupted wireless link to a human remote controller.

DARPA Gremlins: Drone Test Back On After COVID Delay

DARPA Gremlins: Drone Test Back On After COVID Delay
DARPA Gremlins: Drone Test Back On After COVID Delay

“We expect to report results in August, at the latest,” DARPA spokesperson Jared Adams told Breaking D.

Small Drones Are Growing On The Air Force

Small Drones Are Growing On The Air Force
Small Drones Are Growing On The Air Force

AFA CONFERENCE: Time was, the Air Force wanted nothing to do with drones that weren’t built to be shot down. Now, after flying big, armed drones more than 2.4 million hours, the service has decided it wants to buy little ones in swarms – and fly them that way, too. Buying Small Unmanned Aerial Systems…