Next step for AFRL’s space-based solar power quest: energy beaming

Next step for AFRL’s space-based solar power quest: energy beaming
Next step for AFRL’s space-based solar power quest: energy beaming

SSPIDR consists of several small-scale flight experiments that will mature technology needed to build a prototype solar power distribution system.

AFRL’s Arachne achieves power conversion, chasing sci-fi-esque space-based solar power

AFRL’s Arachne achieves power conversion, chasing sci-fi-esque space-based solar power
AFRL’s Arachne achieves power conversion, chasing sci-fi-esque space-based solar power

Arachne’s initially envisioned launch date of 2024 now has been pushed back to early 2025 — not because of any internal problems, but because of the difficulty of getting a ride to Low Earth Orbit.  

Solar Power Sats Help Drive DoD Deep Space Push

Solar Power Sats Help Drive DoD Deep Space Push
Solar Power Sats Help Drive DoD Deep Space Push

“[W]e don’t have a military reason to go to the Moon today, but we do have long term-objectives that include the expansion out to the Moon and beyond,” Space Force Chief Scientist Joel Mozer says. 

AFRL Ponders Solar Power Beaming For Lunar Patrol Sat

AFRL Ponders Solar Power Beaming For Lunar Patrol Sat
AFRL Ponders Solar Power Beaming For Lunar Patrol Sat

Satellites and facilities in cislunar space could very well become the first customers of beamed power as it gradually comes on line, an Aerospace study finds.