Transparent Sea: AUKUS looks to AI, quantum in hunt for Chinese submarines

Transparent Sea: AUKUS looks to AI, quantum in hunt for Chinese submarines
Transparent Sea: AUKUS looks to AI, quantum in hunt for Chinese submarines

AI analysis of sensor data, including new kinds of quantum-based detection, could give a lethal edge in undersea warfare — to either the Australia-UK-US alliance or to China.

Aussie researchers warn Chinese ‘overwhelmingly’ ahead in sensor research

Aussie researchers warn Chinese ‘overwhelmingly’ ahead in sensor research
Aussie researchers warn Chinese ‘overwhelmingly’ ahead in sensor research

Of 10 advanced sensor tech areas, China leads in seven and the US in three, according to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.

Underwater Bloodhounds: DARPA’s Robot Subs

Underwater Bloodhounds: DARPA’s Robot Subs
Underwater Bloodhounds: DARPA’s Robot Subs

Run silent, run deep — and now, run in packs? Submarines are traditionally lone wolves, but the rise of robotics is starting to change that. Just yesterday, defense contractor BAE announced a $4.6 million award from DARPA to build an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) to accompany manned submarines, helping them spot targets by sending out…

NATO Not Ready As Russian Sub Threat Rises: CSIS

NATO Not Ready As Russian Sub Threat Rises: CSIS
NATO Not Ready As Russian Sub Threat Rises: CSIS

WASHINGTON: The balance of power underwater is shifting against the West, warns a new report from the Center for Strategic & International Studies. Both Russian and NATO capabilities cratered after the Cold War, but the Russian submarine fleet is clawing its way back — and we’re not ready to face it, CSIS says. The US,…

LCS Can Too Fight Russia, China: Navy Leaders

LCS Can Too Fight Russia, China: Navy Leaders
LCS Can Too Fight Russia, China: Navy Leaders

WASHINGTON: Is the Littoral Combat Ship a real warship? That question has bedeviled the small, sleek, lightly armed ships for years. Now it’s taken on new urgency as the Defense Department and the Navy both refocus on high-intensity, high-tech warfighting against “great powers” — i.e. China and Russia. Defense Secretary Ash Carter wants to cut…

From Sailors To Robots: A Revolution In Clearing Mines

From Sailors To Robots: A Revolution In Clearing Mines
From Sailors To Robots: A Revolution In Clearing Mines

This is the third in our exclusive series on the crucial but neglected question of sea mines and how well — or not — the United States manages this global and very real threat. Here we’re looking at the most promising technologies, ships and aircraft that can give the United States the edge in this crucial and complex battle.…

Transparent Sea: The Unstealthy Future Of Submarines

Transparent Sea: The Unstealthy Future Of Submarines
Transparent Sea: The Unstealthy Future Of Submarines

WASHINGTON: Submarines have been America’s invisible advantage since World War II. But the oceans are getting more transparent. New detection technologies from low-frequency sonar to flashing LEDs — plus the big data computing power to enhance the faint signals they pick up — are making submarines much easier to detect. The same water-penetrating wavelengths, however, will…