What Weapons Will The US Build After The INF Treaty?

What Weapons Will The US Build After The INF Treaty?
What Weapons Will The US Build After The INF Treaty?

We explore the possibilities, from cutting-edge hypersonics and 1,000-mile cannon to repackaged Tomahawk cruise missiles and updated Pershing ballstic missiles.

Army Building 1,000-Mile Supergun

Army Building 1,000-Mile Supergun
Army Building 1,000-Mile Supergun

While the Strategic Long-Range Cannon will hit targets at ranges comparable to bleeding-edge hypersonics missiles, Army officials emphasized the cannon is built on proven principles, just bigger.

Army Insists 1,000-Mile Missiles Won’t Breach INF Treaty

Army Insists 1,000-Mile Missiles Won’t Breach INF Treaty
Army Insists 1,000-Mile Missiles Won’t Breach INF Treaty

There are loopholes in the 1987 accord that newer technologies like hypersonics might shoot through, independent arms control experts told me. But, they warned, you might end up nitpicking the treaty to death.