China’s ‘dangerous actions,’ and regional chess moves: The Pacific in 2023

China’s ‘dangerous actions,’ and regional chess moves: The Pacific in 2023
China’s ‘dangerous actions,’ and regional chess moves: The Pacific in 2023

Months of Chinese harassment of Philippine vessels culminated in early December with up to 135 Chinese ships swarming the Philippines around Scarborough Shoal.

As China launches missiles and makes threats, Pacific nations keeping a cool head

As China launches missiles and makes threats, Pacific nations keeping a cool head
As China launches missiles and makes threats, Pacific nations keeping a cool head

“The level of distrust is the highest it has been in 50 years,” said Bonnie Glaser, China expert at the German Marshall Fund. “Both sides have an enormous stake in stopping the downward spiral, and perhaps this will be a wakeup call that they need to do so.”

As Pelosi arrives in Taiwan, the big question is if China’s ‘fire’ rhetoric is just hot air

As Pelosi arrives in Taiwan, the big question is if China’s ‘fire’ rhetoric is just hot air
As Pelosi arrives in Taiwan, the big question is if China’s ‘fire’ rhetoric is just hot air

Pelosi’s visit is happening at a sensitive time for Xi. The party leadership is meeting this week at a resort in advance of the party congress due to be held this fall. Xi has made “reunification” with the island state a keystone of his rule.

Pacific powers show unity on Russia, China at NATO meeting: a sign of things to come?

Pacific powers show unity on Russia, China at NATO meeting: a sign of things to come?
Pacific powers show unity on Russia, China at NATO meeting: a sign of things to come?

China’s inclusion in NATO’s Strategic Concept isn’t necessarily groundbreaking, IISS’s Meia Nouwens tells Breaking Defense, but the “interesting part: what will come next?”

With ‘delegation,’ US warns off China on Taiwan amid Russia’s Ukraine invasion

With ‘delegation,’ US warns off China on Taiwan amid Russia’s Ukraine invasion
With ‘delegation,’ US warns off China on Taiwan amid Russia’s Ukraine invasion

“The United States has not lost focus on the Indo-Pacific region, and […] Xi should not get any ideas from Putin’s aggression,” says Jacob Stokes at CNAS.

149 Chinese Fighters, Bombers Sweep Across Taiwan ADIZ In 4 Days

149 Chinese Fighters, Bombers Sweep Across Taiwan ADIZ In 4 Days
149 Chinese Fighters, Bombers Sweep Across Taiwan ADIZ In 4 Days

The Chinese flights are not likely to abate any time soon, Dean Cheng, a top Chinese military expert at the Heritage Foundation, says.

Chinese Execute ‘Huge’ Theater Level Exercise; Russia & PRC Start Joint Exercise

Chinese Execute ‘Huge’ Theater Level Exercise; Russia & PRC Start Joint Exercise
Chinese Execute ‘Huge’ Theater Level Exercise; Russia & PRC Start Joint Exercise

“Everywhere we went, we were confronted with Chinese. They would come up to us in the hotels, out in the streets and just kind of get really in our face,” Marine Maj. Gen. David Furness said of his recent service in East Africa. “And they’d basically tell us, we’re coming after you. They weren’t shy about it at all.”

What Are The Best Ways To Shield Taiwan From A Hungry China?

What Are The Best Ways To Shield Taiwan From A Hungry China?
What Are The Best Ways To Shield Taiwan From A Hungry China?

The trick will be to avoid “a situation in which China believes that it has no alternative but to act,” says RAND’s Michael Mazzar.

‘Sense Of Crisis’ On China-Taiwan: Japan Defense White Paper

‘Sense Of Crisis’ On China-Taiwan: Japan Defense White Paper
‘Sense Of Crisis’ On China-Taiwan: Japan Defense White Paper

Chinese actions in the Pacific are posing a “grave concern” for Japan’s military, a new official paper concludes.

2021: Stormy Seas Ahead While Navy Hammers Out New Fleet

2021: Stormy Seas Ahead While Navy Hammers Out New Fleet
2021: Stormy Seas Ahead While Navy Hammers Out New Fleet

The Trump administration waited four years to come up with a plan to increase the size of the fleet, dumping it on the Pentagon’s doorstep even as the moving vans were getting ready to pull up to the White House.

PACOM Chief Warns Of Threat To Guam; China Presses Hard

“China has a profound advantage in ballistic missiles against the United States,” he said. “They also have a profound advantage in ground-launched cruise missiles. We have to get into that offensive force game as well.”

COVID-19 Claims Aircraft Carrier USS Roosevelt As Latest Victim

COVID-19 Claims Aircraft Carrier USS Roosevelt As Latest Victim
COVID-19 Claims Aircraft Carrier USS Roosevelt As Latest Victim

The Roosevelt “is operationally capable if called upon to do so,” Acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly said, “but we are pulling the ship into Guam. Nobody from the ship will be allowed to leave the ship other than on the pier.”

US-China Likely To Clash At Shangri La

US-China Likely To Clash At Shangri La
US-China Likely To Clash At Shangri La

We could see the most direct U.S. challenge to China since 2005, when Defense Secretary Rumsfeld became the proverbial skunk at the globalist garden party in Singapore by bluntly chastising the Chinese for what was then only the very beginning of their military modernization program. 

The Rest Of The Story: Trump, DoD & Hill Readied INF Pullout For Years

The Rest Of The Story: Trump, DoD & Hill Readied INF Pullout For Years
The Rest Of The Story: Trump, DoD & Hill Readied INF Pullout For Years

WASHINGTON: Unreleased Pentagon documents and Congressional demands for information reveal that Washington has long planned for the day when the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) with Russia would be ripped up. The report by the Joint Staff and Strategic Command, exclusively obtained by Breaking Defense, make clear that as far back as 2013 — a…