How COVID-19 changed Navy ops, according to SWO boss

How COVID-19 changed Navy ops, according to SWO boss
How COVID-19 changed Navy ops, according to SWO boss

The most senior surface warfare officer in the Navy says COVID-19 has forced more self-reliance.

Hondo Geurts Joining Silicon Valley Defense Group

Hondo Geurts Joining Silicon Valley Defense Group
Hondo Geurts Joining Silicon Valley Defense Group

Former Navy acquisition executive Hondo Geurts left government in August after Carlos Del Toro was confirmed as Navy secretary.

Longer Navy Deployments, Fewer Port Calls To Manage COVID

Longer Navy Deployments, Fewer Port Calls To Manage COVID
Longer Navy Deployments, Fewer Port Calls To Manage COVID

The COVID pandemic “has added complexity” to the Navy’s plans, Vice Adm. Phil Sawyer said. “But the [deployment schedule] has not changed.”

Navy Scraps Big Carrier Study, Clears Deck For OSD Effort

Navy Scraps Big Carrier Study, Clears Deck For OSD Effort
Navy Scraps Big Carrier Study, Clears Deck For OSD Effort

The study into what kind of carriers the Navy might need in a decade’s time was problematic from the start, and conflicted with the Pentagon senior leadership’s redo of the Navy’s force structure plan. 

Acting SecNav Decides To Keep Major Modly Reforms

Acting SecNav Decides To Keep Major Modly Reforms
Acting SecNav Decides To Keep Major Modly Reforms

Acting Navy Secretary James McPherson is only three weeks into the job, but is making weighty decisions, including Wednesday’s call for a wider inquiry into his predecessor Thomas Modly’s firing of the captain of the COVID-19 stricken USS Theodore Roosevelt.

Modly’s Brief, Busy Tenure Started, And Ended, With Carriers

Modly’s Brief, Busy Tenure Started, And Ended, With Carriers
Modly’s Brief, Busy Tenure Started, And Ended, With Carriers

Thomas Modly pushed hard, and knew presidential ire was only one tweet away. How much did that influence his actions on the Roosevelt?

Army’s McPherson To Be New Navy Leader; Modly Submits Resignation

Army’s McPherson To Be New Navy Leader; Modly Submits Resignation
Army’s McPherson To Be New Navy Leader; Modly Submits Resignation

James McPherson was only confirmed in his current job by the Senate on March 23. Modly had been under fire since firing the ship’s skipper last week, telling the crew Monday their captain was “stupid” for riding the alarm over a COVID-19 outbreak aboard the USS Roosevelt.

Modly’s Stunning About Face: Insults Roosevelt Skipper In Morning, Apology At Night

Modly’s Stunning About Face: Insults Roosevelt Skipper In Morning, Apology At Night
Modly’s Stunning About Face: Insults Roosevelt Skipper In Morning, Apology At Night

“I stand by every word I said,” Modly said in a defiant statement after audio of his remarks leaked. But after a Pentagon spokesman declined to support him during an afternoon press conference, and negative public sentiment poured in, Modly reversed course in a remarkably contrite statement released Monday night.

Lawmakers Slam SecNav Modly, Pentagon Silent After Speech On USS Roosevelt

Lawmakers Slam SecNav Modly, Pentagon Silent After Speech On USS Roosevelt
Lawmakers Slam SecNav Modly, Pentagon Silent After Speech On USS Roosevelt

When Modly called the fired captain “stupid,” one sailor yelled “what the f*ck?” At another point, another sailor yelled, “he was trying to help us!” When Modly said Crozier’s letter left some sailors demoralized, another shouted “no, they weren’t!” 

Carrier Capt.’s Firing ‘Raises Critical Questions’ About Navy’s COVID-19 Response, Lawmaker Says

Carrier Capt.’s Firing ‘Raises Critical Questions’ About Navy’s COVID-19 Response, Lawmaker Says
Carrier Capt.’s Firing ‘Raises Critical Questions’ About Navy’s COVID-19 Response, Lawmaker Says

Acting SecNav Modly told reporters, “I did not come to this decision lightly. I have no doubt in my mind Capt. Crozier did what he thought was in the best interest in the safety and well being of his crew. Unfortunately, he did the opposite.”

COVID-19 Claims Aircraft Carrier USS Roosevelt As Latest Victim

COVID-19 Claims Aircraft Carrier USS Roosevelt As Latest Victim
COVID-19 Claims Aircraft Carrier USS Roosevelt As Latest Victim

The Roosevelt “is operationally capable if called upon to do so,” Acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly said, “but we are pulling the ship into Guam. Nobody from the ship will be allowed to leave the ship other than on the pier.”

COVID-19 Strikes A Supercarrier;  ‘Months’ Of Virus, Esper Says

COVID-19 Strikes A Supercarrier;  ‘Months’ Of Virus, Esper Says
COVID-19 Strikes A Supercarrier; ‘Months’ Of Virus, Esper Says

Despite fears the three sailors could have infected dozens of others, “we are not in a position right now to have to pull that ship in or to take that ship off the front lines,” Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Michael Gilday told reporters at the Pentagon.

SecNav Details Gaps Between Navy & Pentagon Shipbuilding Plans

SecNav Details Gaps Between Navy & Pentagon Shipbuilding Plans
SecNav Details Gaps Between Navy & Pentagon Shipbuilding Plans

“My view on that is if we’re not ever really going to get to 12, why are we wargaming around 12,” Modly told reporters in his office Tuesday. “Why are we not war gaming around what we most likely will have, and then figure out how we manage risk in those areas?”

Navy Needs Bigger Budget Than Other Services: Rep. Wittman

Navy Needs Bigger Budget Than Other Services: Rep. Wittman
Navy Needs Bigger Budget Than Other Services: Rep. Wittman

“You can have the greatest brigade combat team in the world,” Rep. Wittman said, “but if they can’t get to the fight because we don’t have a robust ready reserve fleet, that’s pretty shortsighted.”