Why a small shipyard merger could signal bigger problems for the US military

Why a small shipyard merger could signal bigger problems for the US military
Why a small shipyard merger could signal bigger problems for the US military

Bollinger’s CEO says the deal has strengthened his company’s standing in the industrial base, but analysts worry the merger is a bellwether for more consolidation to come – which could impact the Pentagon’s shipbuilding plans.

How Much Sealift Does US Have For Crisis? It’s Not Sure

How Much Sealift Does US Have For Crisis? It’s Not Sure
How Much Sealift Does US Have For Crisis? It’s Not Sure

A new study points out that the Navy should do better at tracking how many ships it can call on in a pinch.

Half Of Shipbuilders ‘1 Contract Away’ From Bust: Stackley

Half Of Shipbuilders ‘1 Contract Away’ From Bust: Stackley
Half Of Shipbuilders ‘1 Contract Away’ From Bust: Stackley

WASHINGTON: “About half” of the shipyards building US Navy vessels are “one contract away” from leaving the business, the Navy’s top procurement officer told the Senate today. After decades of decline due to foreign competition, the US shipbuilding industry has become so fragile and so dependent on government contracts that the Navy is taking unprecedented and…