Calvelli details plans to better ‘integrate’ Unified Data Library into Space Force ops

Calvelli details plans to better ‘integrate’ Unified Data Library into Space Force ops
Calvelli details plans to better ‘integrate’ Unified Data Library into Space Force ops

The NDAA instructed Air Force space acquisition czar Frank Calvelli to detail a UDL integration plan, following criticism from the Government Accountability Office, as well as to explain the Space Force’s process “to regularly identify and evaluate commercial space situational awareness capabilities.”

Space Force effort to replace aging space tracking software lagging: DOT&E

Space Force effort to replace aging space tracking software lagging: DOT&E
Space Force effort to replace aging space tracking software lagging: DOT&E

“[P]roduct development has been slower than anticipated, and the projected date to decommission SPADOC continues to extend further to late FY24, a delay of more than two years from the original timeline,” according to the 2023 Annual Report of the Pentagon’s Director of Operational Test & Evaluation.

Seeing in the dark: Space Force works, slowly, to improve monitoring of the heavens

Seeing in the dark: Space Force works, slowly, to improve monitoring of the heavens
Seeing in the dark: Space Force works, slowly, to improve monitoring of the heavens

Space Force hopes to finally be able to ditch this year its “old clunker” SPADOC computer system for managing space surveillance data.

Key space monitoring sensors still rely on outdated CAVENet computer system

Key space monitoring sensors still rely on outdated CAVENet computer system
Key space monitoring sensors still rely on outdated CAVENet computer system

At the moment it is unclear when Space Force and Space Command actually will decommission CAVEnet, 2000s-era tech that analysts use for highly accurate and classified tracking of space objects.