Biden says Camp David trilateral will usher in ‘new era’ between US-ROK-Japan

Biden says Camp David trilateral will usher in ‘new era’ between US-ROK-Japan
Biden says Camp David trilateral will usher in ‘new era’ between US-ROK-Japan

Advancements in joint military exercises as well as efforts to counter missile threats from North Korea came out of the Camp David meetings.

US officials hype Japan-ROK-US Camp David visit: ‘Defining trilateral relationship’

US officials hype Japan-ROK-US Camp David visit: ‘Defining trilateral relationship’
US officials hype Japan-ROK-US Camp David visit: ‘Defining trilateral relationship’

“We’re going to invest in technology to have a three-way hotline for the leaders and others inside their governments to communicate,” among other announcements to come Friday, said a top NSC official.