CSIS On The Second Space Age: ‘Diverse, Disruptive, Disordered And Dangerous’

CSIS On The Second Space Age: ‘Diverse, Disruptive, Disordered And Dangerous’
CSIS On The Second Space Age: ‘Diverse, Disruptive, Disordered And Dangerous’

WASHINGTON: We knew space was congested, contested and all that. But the folks at CSIS have recast that to good effect in a report actually worth reading in detail. The Second Space Age (yes, they’ve come up with a catchy rubric!) is, they say, more diverse, disruptive, disordered, and dangerous than the first space age.” How…

Will THAAD Deployment Roil Or Calm Troubled Pacific?

Will THAAD Deployment Roil Or Calm Troubled Pacific?
Will THAAD Deployment Roil Or Calm Troubled Pacific?

WASHINGTON: The deployment of improved US missile defenses to Korea, THAAD, comes at a time of growing disorder across the region. There is one constant in this equation but three major unknowns. The constant is the THAAD system itself, whose capabilities — almost six times the maximum range of current Patriot missile defenses and roughly five…

Mattis Heads To Japan, Korea: Why Asian Alliances Will Survive TPP’s Death

Mattis Heads To Japan, Korea: Why Asian Alliances Will Survive TPP’s Death
Mattis Heads To Japan, Korea: Why Asian Alliances Will Survive TPP’s Death

WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump killed the Trans-Pacific Partnership just two days ago, but this morning, multiple experts and one four-star general agreed that America’s Pacific alliances — except perhaps the Philippines — would survive and even thrive. A few hours later, aptly enough, the Pentagon announced that Defense Secretary James Mattis, the new administration’s most outspoken…