Predator Started Drone Revolution, And Made Military Innovation Cool

Predator Started Drone Revolution, And Made Military Innovation Cool
Predator Started Drone Revolution, And Made Military Innovation Cool

  The iconic weapon of the post-911 era, the Predator, is being retired today. I asked Rick Whittle, who quite simply wrote the book on the subject, to tell our readers why Predator matters both as a weapon and as a concept. See what the man who fired the Predator’s first Hellfire missile — and…

Must-Read Tale Of Predator’s Tortuous Ride To Fame

Must-Read Tale Of Predator’s Tortuous Ride To Fame
Must-Read Tale Of Predator’s Tortuous Ride To Fame

Rick Whittle’s superb book on the creation and uses of the Predator drone needs to be read by the Pentagon’s head of acquisition, Frank Kendall, and everyone else who decides what weapons America buys, including the professional staff on Capitol Hill who tell their congressional bosses what’s real and why. Whittle, who seems to be making a habit out…

Why I Wrote The Book About Predator

Why I Wrote The Book About Predator
Why I Wrote The Book About Predator

Rick Whittle wrote the book on the V-22, which he covered for several thousand years while a Washington reporter for the Dallas Morning News. Now he’s written the book on the Predator (on sale Monday), the drone (no RPAs on this site) and he’s obtained a great deal of operational information about Predator and the battle against Al…