‘Hard choices’ afoot if Army unable to grow its annual budget, Wormuth warns

‘Hard choices’ afoot if Army unable to grow its annual budget, Wormuth warns
‘Hard choices’ afoot if Army unable to grow its annual budget, Wormuth warns

“We don’t [want to] inadvertently allow the resources we’re spending on soldiers and families to crowd out the modernization that we have to continue with,” Wormuth told reporters.

Digital transformation is a key to maintaining US overmatch against China, Russia

Digital transformation is a key to maintaining US overmatch against China, Russia
Digital transformation is a key to maintaining US overmatch against China, Russia

Take a page from Formula 1, for instance, to improve military efficiency, former Acting Army Secretary John Whitley writes.

The danger of FVL incorporating too much IP and hindering spiral improvements

The danger of FVL incorporating too much IP and hindering spiral improvements
The danger of FVL incorporating too much IP and hindering spiral improvements

If the Army heeds industry’s emphasis on protecting intellectual property than a dependence on proprietary technology will hamstring FVL’s ability to address evolving threats.

‘If We Don’t Change, We’re Going To Lose’: Air Force Strategy Dep. Chief Hinote

‘If We Don’t Change, We’re Going To Lose’: Air Force Strategy Dep. Chief Hinote
‘If We Don’t Change, We’re Going To Lose’: Air Force Strategy Dep. Chief Hinote

“Not in all cases, but in more and more cases, we are at parity with our competitor. I don’t think that’s okay,” Lt. Gen. S. Clinton Hinote said.

Air Force ABMS Refocus: Capabilities And Kit, Not Experiments

Air Force ABMS Refocus: Capabilities And Kit, Not Experiments
Air Force ABMS Refocus: Capabilities And Kit, Not Experiments

ABMS “has not been adequately focused on achieving and building specific, measurable improvements and operational outcomes,” said Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall.

DISA Accelerates Cloud For Warfighters For All Domain

DISA Accelerates Cloud For Warfighters For All Domain
DISA Accelerates Cloud For Warfighters For All Domain

DISA, using automation, is reducing the time it takes to deploy mission applications in DoD cloud from a year, months, or weeks to hours.

Pentagon, Navy, In Dark About Trump’s USS Truman Decision

Pentagon, Navy, In Dark About Trump’s USS Truman Decision
Pentagon, Navy, In Dark About Trump’s USS Truman Decision

The Defense Secretary was given a last-minute heads-up about the White House’s demand to keep the USS Harry S. Truman afloat, and the Navy scrambled Wednesday morning to change its message to Congress.

Trump Calls For Arms Control, Rips Own Defense Budget As “Crazy”

Trump Calls For Arms Control, Rips Own Defense Budget As “Crazy”
Trump Calls For Arms Control, Rips Own Defense Budget As “Crazy”

WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump injected a fresh dose of uncertainty over defense spending Monday when he derided 2019’s defense budget — which he readily signed and has praised for months — as “Crazy!” The sharp turn in sentiment came in another dreaded early-morning presidential tweet that often shift the talking points for entire segments of…

Pratt & Whitney Enters Incubator Biz To Slash Development Time in Half

Pratt & Whitney Enters Incubator Biz To Slash Development Time in Half
Pratt & Whitney Enters Incubator Biz To Slash Development Time in Half

As the Pentagon and the defense industry rush to keep up with the shift to great power competition and the fight for tech workers rushing for Silicon Valley, the idea of technology incubators is catching fire.

‘Almost Breathtaking’ Changes As Army Races To Build Final 2019 Budget

‘Almost Breathtaking’ Changes As Army Races To Build Final 2019 Budget
‘Almost Breathtaking’ Changes As Army Races To Build Final 2019 Budget

ARLINGTON: The Pentagon is reaching a fevered pitch of preparation for the 2019 budget, with key decisions coming in “weeks,” said the acting secretary of the Army. “There’s so much going in the department, it’s almost breathtaking,” Ryan McCarthy told reporters after an Association of the US Army breakfast. But the Army’s under extra pressure…

‘There Is No Peace Dividend’: Army Vice Chief Rails Against Sequester

‘There Is No Peace Dividend’: Army Vice Chief Rails Against Sequester
‘There Is No Peace Dividend’: Army Vice Chief Rails Against Sequester

ARLINGTON: Across-the-board budget cuts have already forced the Army to “mortgage our near- and mid-term modernization,” the service’s vice chief of staff warned this morning. If the mandatory spending cuts known as sequestration occur in 2016 they could “push our volunteer force to the breaking point” by undermining trust between leaders and led. “We face a very real…

The 10 Years’ War: Army Plans For Sequestration Cuts Through 2022

FORT LAUDERDALE: As automatic cuts to the 2013 budget look increasingly unavoidable, with the deadline for a Congressional deal only a week away, Army leaders are preparing fallback positions to defend the service from a full decade of sequester cuts. That includes new guidance on cutting modernization and planning for potential cuts to personnel and…

Sec. Donley: Why The Air Force Can’t Delay Modernization – EXCLUSIVE

Michael Donley is the Secretary of the Air Force. This is the conclusion of a series of four op-eds Sec. Donley wrote exclusively for Breaking Defense on the future of the Air Force. Today’s piece makes the case that investments in new technology cannot be deferred — a modernization challenge that Army aviators are facing…

Army Crafts 30-Year Plan To Safeguard Research, Development

AUSA: To guide the Army through the coming budget crunch, the service’s acquisition agencies are putting together an unprecedentedly comprehensive 30-year modernization plan. By coming up with a single road map that integrates research, development, procurement, as well as equipment sustainment, they hope to protect the investments they believe are critical to the Army’s long-term…