Hypersonics too expensive, industrial base too small for services to go it alone: Admiral

Hypersonics too expensive, industrial base too small for services to go it alone: Admiral
Hypersonics too expensive, industrial base too small for services to go it alone: Admiral

A recent test of the joint Navy-Army system that the Navy calls Conventional Prompt Strike suffered a partial failure in a June test, but that’s because Vice Adm. Johnny Wolfe said the service “pushed the envelope… learned a lot.”

Navy Targets Sub-Launched Hypersonic Test By Mid 2020s

Navy Targets Sub-Launched Hypersonic Test By Mid 2020s
Navy Targets Sub-Launched Hypersonic Test By Mid 2020s

For the rest of this year, the Navy is doubling down on its boosters, conducting a series of static fire tests to collect data before another test firing. “We’ve been crawling, now we’re starting to walk where we’re going to get the booster design done — we’re going to static test this year — and then we will start to truly, truly run,” Wolfe said.

Fading Solid Fuel Engine Biz Threatens Navy’s Trident Missile

Fading Solid Fuel Engine Biz Threatens Navy’s Trident Missile
Fading Solid Fuel Engine Biz Threatens Navy’s Trident Missile

CAPITOL HILL: “Failure to launch” isn’t a metaphorical concern when you work on nuclear weapons. That’s why the director of the Navy’s euphemistically named Strategic Systems Program (SSP) is a worried man. What has Vice Adm. Terry Benedict worried is something neither he, nor the Navy nor the entire Defense Department directly control. It’s the…