Colin Clark, editor of Breaking Defense.

Here we go. TA DA! Our first podcasts, exclusive interviews with Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Dave Goldfein and Strategic Command’s Gen. John Hyten.

Find them here:

They contain a great deal of granular discussion about topics of interest to our readers, but, perhaps more importantly, they offer a rare glimpse for those who don’t have the privilege of sitting down with our military’s leaders of how they react, what they sound like under the pressure of a live interview, how keen is their grasp of a subject, can they dodge a question well, and whether they have a sense of humor. Goldfein and Hyten both smile and laugh and can dodge a question with the best of em, as you’ll hear.

We’ll be publishing podcasts as we can arrange interviews. Subscribe to be first on your block to get them. Please let us know your opinion of these first two. I’ve done radio for many years, but this is a different medium and I’m pretty sure I’ve got lots to learn. After you listen, we’d love it if you leave a review.