Air Warfare, Land Warfare, Naval Warfare

‘A Golden Age For Collaboration’ On Lasers & Microwaves: But Watch The Cheetos!

on July 07, 2020 at 6:00 PM
Navy photo

USS Portland (LPD 27) fires its Laser Weapon System Demonstrator (LWSD) in the Pacific on May 16.

UPDATED with HIJENKS details WASHINGTON: As the military field-tests multiple types of directed energy weapons, it’s running into some surprising real-world problems – like the dust from Cheetos.

When you put cutting-edge tech into the less-than-pristine hands of actual teenaged and twenty-something troops, you get unique feedback you’d never get in the lab, said Donald Schiffler, chief directed energy scientist at the Air Force Research Laboratory. For a drone-busting high-powered microwave called THOR, “we thought, well, we should have everything touchscreen-operated… like on your iPhone,” Schiffler told a Booz Allen Hamilton webcast this morning. “That sounds great — except you find out that that doesn’t work for warfighters who are pulling a long shift, because they do things like eat Cheetos while they’re sitting there working, and then the touchscreen does not work.”

The Air Force’s THOR high-powered microwave is designed to burn out swarms of attacking drones.

That kind of (sticky) hands-on experience is vital, both for the engineers trying to develop better weapons and for the operators trying to get comfortable with new technology, said

Frank Peterkin, Schiffler’s counterpart at the Office of Naval Research. “Trust is going to have to come from contact,” Peterkin said. “The warfighters in those communities have to actually be touching these weapons, using them, seeing them work.”

Getting working weapons into troops’ hands has already increased enthusiasm and demand for the technology, said Craig Robin, who heads directed energy projects at the Army’s Rapid Capabilities & Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO). “I spent the first 15 years of my career walking around in a lab with a laser, saying ‘does anyone want this…’ and the warfighter [kept] going ‘that’s adorable,’” Robin recalled ruefully. “Just recently there’s been a tremendous pull [because] we simply just got out it into the user’s hands and they recognized the value.”

“I’ve been pushing for a long time to get these things out of the lab and into the hands of the warfighter,” said David Stoudt, the moderator of today’s panel, who worked on directed energy as a Navy scientist for 25 years before joining Booz Allen Hamilton in 2015. “[Today,] pretty much in unison, all the services are taking a very serious look at that…and doing so with a lot of collaboration between them. [Even] I wasn’t aware of all the collaboration that we talked about today on the panel.”

There’s been a huge shift over the last few years. The services are working together as never before on lasers and microwaves, all three scientists agreed. “We’re in a little bit of a golden age for collaboration now for directed energy,” Peterkin said.

Early experimental laser-armed Stryker vehicle

A Directed Energy Bestiary

The Navy has led the way out of the lab into the field, putting a 30-kilowatt Laser Weapon System (LaWS) on the USS Ponce during a Persian Gulf deployment in 2014. Just last May, it test-fired a 150-kW Laser Weapon System Demonstrator (LWSD) from the USS Portland, destroying a target drone.

But all the services are rapidly advancing on multiple types of directed-energy weapon. The three senior scientists on this morning’s panel listed nine different programs across four services. That’s not a comprehensive list, especially since some of these technologies, especially in the high-powered microwave area, are classified.

Robin is working on two Army laser weapons, both of which will field operational prototypes in the next four years:

Peterkin, speaking for the Navy, described three laser weapons all headed for testing aboard serving warships, and another on land, while there’s a fifth project happening jointly with the Air Force:

Schiffler, speaking for the Air Force, listed two:

While none of these programs is easy, the Army in some ways has the simplest problem to solve. It can mount new weapons on a whole fleet of fairly roomy vehicles, from 4×4 Humvees to 8×8 Strykers to 10-wheeler semis, and it doesn’t need tremendous power output against a lot of the threats it faces, such as artillery rockets and mini-drones.

“From the Army’s perspective, [with] the technology we have today, we can put a 50-kW laser onto a Stryker. A 50-kW laser has military utility,” Robin said. By contrast, he said, the Navy worries more about cruise missiles moving at hundreds of miles per hour, which requires power outputs in the hundreds of kilowatts: That’s technology the services are definitely collaborating on, but they haven’t built it yet.

The Navy also has to integrate its new weapons on ships, which, while larger than Army trucks, are already crammed with complex systems. Destroyers especially have little room or spare electrical power for new technology: The Navy has tested its lasers so far on amphibious transport ships, like Ponce and Princeton. Just integrating the laser with a ship’s electronic and software controls – the combat system – is a daunting technical task. Only the Air Force’s challenge, getting SHIELD to work on a plane in flight, is harder.


An earlier version of this article incorrectly gave Craig Robin’s former title instead of his current one: He is now Directed Energy Project Office lead for the Army RCCTO. The earlier version also misspelled the acronym HIJENKS and listed it as an Air Force-led program, with Navy support; it is in fact a Navy-led program, with Air Force support.


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