WASHINGTON: Welcome to the third of our video stories drawn from our almost hour-long interview with Preston Dunlap, Chief Architect of Air and Space Forces. From that position, Dunlap helps guide the complex and far-reaching work the Air and Space Forces are doing in All Domain Operations, on JADC2,and, most centrally, on the Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS). Look for these stories for the next few weeks.

Abraham Lincoln famously spent countless hours sending almost 1,000 telegraphs to commanders during Civil War battles from a telegraph office in the old War Department building. During Vietnam and later on in the Cold War there were famous incidents of presidents sitting in the White House and trying to direct battles in real time relying on satellites and radios.

In September, the Air Force demonstrated tablets that provide troops with much more data, including classified information, and Dunlap discusses this as a great example of how quickly ABMS and the JADC2 efforts are moving.

Click on the video below to hear Dunlap’s explication.