Mark Cancian

Stories by Mark Cancian

Clash of Strategies: Capability Or Capacity, Today Or Tomorrow?

Clash of Strategies: Capability Or Capacity, Today Or Tomorrow?
Clash of Strategies: Capability Or Capacity, Today Or Tomorrow?

As the Pentagon finishes its strategic review, the stage is set for another struggle over whether to ready for a high-end war with Russia or China or just manage the current, much lower intensity battles around the world. In military terms it’s a choice between capability and capacity. The outcome will shape the four services…

Korean War 2.0? The Signs To Watch

Korean War 2.0? The Signs To Watch
Korean War 2.0? The Signs To Watch

After threatening to rain four missiles around Guam, North Korea’s pudgy leader, Kim Jong-un appeared to back off today. The (spoof) official North Korean News Agency issued a fabulous tweet describing it, declaring: “Esteemed General Kim Jong-Un reprieves US colony of Guam, citing concern for ocelots and sea turtles. Fate of Los Angeles remains unclear.”…

Contractors in Afghanistan: What Erik Prince Gets Right

Contractors in Afghanistan: What Erik Prince Gets Right
Contractors in Afghanistan: What Erik Prince Gets Right

Eric Prince, the former CEO of Blackwater, argues for expanded use of contractors in Afghanistan. Some of his proposals deserve attention. The idea apparently resonated with the White House (though not with Secretary of Defense Mattis) and has continued to get attention. Prince is widely regarded as the spawn of Satan because of the many…

Trump’s Promised Big Boost To DoD Evaporates In 2018 Budget

Trump’s Promised Big Boost To DoD Evaporates In 2018 Budget
Trump’s Promised Big Boost To DoD Evaporates In 2018 Budget

Campaign promises of a larger, more ready and fully modernized military have slammed into budget realities as the Trump administration’s fiscal 2018 budget for the Pentagon shows only modest growth above what the Obama administration had projected. Funding at those levels will support a 305-ship Navy, not the 350 ships that candidate Trump proposed back in…

Continuing Resolution Fears? OCO’s Ugly But It Might Work

Continuing Resolution Fears? OCO’s Ugly But It Might Work
Continuing Resolution Fears? OCO’s Ugly But It Might Work

Two weeks from today America will either be a laughingstock or Congress will have done the responsible thing, the necessary thing, and passed some kind of useful spending bills. Or, as Mark Cancian, a former senior official at the Office of Management and Budget, suggests, there may be a sort of defense spending bandage to strap…

It’s Time to Take Donald Trump Seriously

It’s Time to Take Donald Trump Seriously
It’s Time to Take Donald Trump Seriously

Donald Trump is going to be president, notwithstanding the handwringing in the national security policy community about whether they should agree to serve in his administration (here, here, here, here, here).   Concerns are understandable given Trump’s unorthodox campaign and often extreme statements.  But there is an element of hubris in these commentaries and in discussions I…

The $50 Billion Earmark: Time to Cut Our Losses

The $50 Billion Earmark: Time to Cut Our Losses
The $50 Billion Earmark: Time to Cut Our Losses

Now that conferees have hammered out a 2017 National Defense Authorization Act, the House and Senate must vote on the final product. They may want to read this before casting their votes. Read on. The Editor. Buried in the fine print of the defense authorization bills is a $50 billion earmark for an obscure facility in…

Two Cheers for OCO: Grease For Budget Wheels

Two Cheers for OCO: Grease For Budget Wheels
Two Cheers for OCO: Grease For Budget Wheels

The verdict from think tanks and commentators is in: Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO), the much-criticized war funding account, should move to the base budget because of abuses and a lack of transparency. As a matter of theory, such a move would be good government. OCO deflects hard choices and distorts the budget process. In the…

Trump Proffers Pentagon Specifics: $60B More To Boost Troops, Ships

Trump Proffers Pentagon Specifics: $60B More To Boost Troops, Ships
Trump Proffers Pentagon Specifics: $60B More To Boost Troops, Ships

When Donald Trump discussed his defense program in Philadelphia on Wednesday, the bluster and lunacy of the primary season were gone and he offered a scripted position paper that reflected (mostly) mainstream Republican ideas. There is still lots one might disagree with, but the discipline of the teleprompter meant that he read a staff-prepared paper that put…

Lunacy, Bluster & Unanswered Questions: Trump On Defense

Lunacy, Bluster & Unanswered Questions: Trump On Defense
Lunacy, Bluster & Unanswered Questions: Trump On Defense

Sen. John McCain, a stalwart defense Republican, has come out against GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, saying he shares the concerns expressed today by fellow former GOP presidential Mitt Romney and 65 GOP national security leaders “about Mr. Trump’s uninformed and indeed dangerous statements on national security issues…. “At a time when our world has never…

Cruz Wants $750B For Defense: Boost Services, Not Special Ops

Cruz Wants $750B For Defense: Boost Services, Not Special Ops
Cruz Wants $750B For Defense: Boost Services, Not Special Ops

Ted Cruz now leads Donald Trump in at least some national polls. So when the senator offered a fairly detailed military blueprint for his presidency on Tuesday, CSIS defense budget analyst Mark Cancan jumped on it. He ran Cruz’s assumptions and numbers through CSIS’ Force Cost Calculator. What did he find? Read on. The Editor. In…

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