Search results for: Indo-Pacific

Pacific Fleet chief Paparo on China’s big lesson from Ukraine: Win quickly

Pacific Fleet chief Paparo on China’s big lesson from Ukraine: Win quickly
Pacific Fleet chief Paparo on China’s big lesson from Ukraine: Win quickly

“Instead of seeing the Ukraine conflict and deciding ‘this is too hard,’ [China’s] intention, on the other hand, is to take note of the actions of Russia in order to effect a short, sharp, fait accompli conflict,” Adm. Samuel Paparo told lawmakers.

US approves $4 billion deal to sell India 31 MQ-9B SkyGuardian drones

US approves $4 billion deal to sell India 31 MQ-9B SkyGuardian drones
US approves $4 billion deal to sell India 31 MQ-9B SkyGuardian drones

The Biden administration reportedly pushed New Delhi to approve the deal on its end ahead of a state visit by Indian leader Narendra Modi in June.

With Australia, New Zealand to explore AUKUS ‘opportunities,’ closer to joining?

With Australia, New Zealand to explore AUKUS ‘opportunities,’ closer to joining?
With Australia, New Zealand to explore AUKUS ‘opportunities,’ closer to joining?

“The opportunities that are open to our space and technology sectors are actually immense,” New Zealand’s Defence Minister Judith Collins said.

Refueling, propulsion ‘jetpacks’ near term Space Force ‘mobility’ plans

Refueling, propulsion ‘jetpacks’ near term Space Force ‘mobility’ plans
Refueling, propulsion ‘jetpacks’ near term Space Force ‘mobility’ plans

“People need to have a realistic expectation of the demand signal,” said Col. Joyce Bulson, who heads Space Systems Command’s servicing, mobility and logistics program, stressing that the service is “looking to leverage commercial services to the maximum extent possible, so we’re not looking for a significant government investment in bringing these capabilities to bear.” 

White House’s Sullivan warns China over aid to Russia’s defense industrial base

White House’s Sullivan warns China over aid to Russia’s defense industrial base
White House’s Sullivan warns China over aid to Russia’s defense industrial base

“We have been clear and direct about our concerns. And I noted in my remarks that, as we’ve watched this happen, we’re prepared to take steps to respond to that kind of activity …,” said President Joe Biden’s national security advisor, Jake Sullivan, while otherwise lauding progress with Beijing.

Budget disputes put Pentagon’s early JADC2 goals in jeopardy: Official

Budget disputes put Pentagon’s early JADC2 goals in jeopardy: Official
Budget disputes put Pentagon’s early JADC2 goals in jeopardy: Official

The Pentagon achieved a minimum viable capability for its Joint All Domain Command and Control effort through the recent Global Information Dominance Experiment, Deputy CDAO Margaret Palmieri said.

Australia, Japan ink first R&D trial on underwater tech

Australia, Japan ink first R&D trial on underwater tech
Australia, Japan ink first R&D trial on underwater tech

“This project will build a foundation for future joint research on robotic and collaborative autonomy, aiming to deliver advanced capabilities to support asymmetric advantage,” Tanya Monro, Australia’s chief defense scientist, said in a statement.

Mirroring DoD’s interest, GDIT chief says it’s upping investment in digital engineering

Mirroring DoD’s interest, GDIT chief says it’s upping investment in digital engineering
Mirroring DoD’s interest, GDIT chief says it’s upping investment in digital engineering

GDIT President Amy Gilliland sat down with Breaking Defense to talk digital engineering, zero trust and the firm’s strategy for 2024.

Navy tests ‘tactical’ employment of unmanned ships in months-long exercise

Navy tests ‘tactical’ employment of unmanned ships in months-long exercise
Navy tests ‘tactical’ employment of unmanned ships in months-long exercise

The four USVs featured in the exercise collectively transited 46,000 nautical miles over several months.

While DoD progresses on innovative tech, more work left to be done: Report

While DoD progresses on innovative tech, more work left to be done: Report
While DoD progresses on innovative tech, more work left to be done: Report

The Atlantic Council’s Commission on Defense Innovation Adoption acknowledged in a new report that there were “broader, strategic matters” that “will take time to reach full implementation.”

‘Important step’: US, China resume military-to-military policy talks after comms freeze

‘Important step’: US, China resume military-to-military policy talks after comms freeze
‘Important step’: US, China resume military-to-military policy talks after comms freeze

For months Beijing boycotted military discussions, raising fears at the Pentagon that a miscommunication could lead to conflict.

Telemaintenance and stockpiles: Army Materiel Command takes its own lessons from Ukraine

Telemaintenance and stockpiles: Army Materiel Command takes its own lessons from Ukraine
Telemaintenance and stockpiles: Army Materiel Command takes its own lessons from Ukraine

“Think about Ukraine as an island… we are not allowed to cross the border,” Army Materiel Command’s deputy Lt. Gen. Christopher Mohan told Breaking Defense.

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For Future Vertical Lift, FLRAA’s digital backbone will also underpin FARA

For Future Vertical Lift, FLRAA’s digital backbone will also underpin FARA
For Future Vertical Lift, FLRAA’s digital backbone will also underpin FARA

Different on the outside but with commonalities on the inside, the Army’s Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) will share a MOSA backbone with the Future Long Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA).

Bombardier awarded Army prototyping contract for HADES spy plane

Bombardier awarded Army prototyping contract for HADES spy plane
Bombardier awarded Army prototyping contract for HADES spy plane

Under the deal, the company will provide one Global 6500 jet with options for the service to buy two more.

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