Search results for: artificial intelligence

Attacking Artificial Intelligence: How To Trick The Enemy

“Autonomy may look like an Achilles’ heel, and in a lot of ways it is” – but for both sides, DTRA’s Nick Wager said. “I think that’s as much opportunity as that is vulnerability. We are good at this… and we can be better than the threat.”

Big Bad Data: Achilles’ Heel of Artificial Intelligence

Big Bad Data: Achilles’ Heel of Artificial Intelligence
Big Bad Data: Achilles’ Heel of Artificial Intelligence

An adversary who has access to the dataset your AI trained on can figure out what its likely blind spots are, said Brian Sadler, a senior scientist at the Army Research Laboratory: “If I know your data, I can create ways to fake out your system.”

DARPA, Army & Team Platypus: Big Boosts For Artificial Intelligence

DARPA, Army & Team Platypus: Big Boosts For Artificial Intelligence
DARPA, Army & Team Platypus: Big Boosts For Artificial Intelligence

The near-term payoff for military AI isn’t replacing human soldiers in the physical world, but empowering them to understand the world of radio waves. That’s an invisible battlefield which Russia’s powerful electronic warfare corps is poised to dominate in a future war, unless the US can catch up.

Joint Artificial Intelligence Center Created Under DoD CIO

Joint Artificial Intelligence Center Created Under DoD CIO
Joint Artificial Intelligence Center Created Under DoD CIO

“The major challenge for the US is China,” CNA analyst Larry Lewis said. “They are approaching the use of AI just like the US approached going to the moon in the sixties.”

AFSOC Adds Artificial Intelligence To Armory; Still Eyes Lasers

AFSOC Adds Artificial Intelligence To Armory; Still Eyes Lasers
AFSOC Adds Artificial Intelligence To Armory; Still Eyes Lasers

AFA ORLANDO: Air Force Special Operations Command doesn’t speak much in public, for obvious reasons. The commander pretty much appears once a year here to speak with reporters, and for the last three years, mounting lasers on AC-130 gunships  has been a top topic. The former AFSOC commander, Lt. Gen. Bradley Heithold, first announced the…

Do Young Humans + Artificial Intelligence = Cybersecurity?

Do Young Humans + Artificial Intelligence = Cybersecurity?
Do Young Humans + Artificial Intelligence = Cybersecurity?

WASHINGTON: The Army is recruiting smart young soldiers to wage cyber war. But human talent is not enough. Ultimately, say experts, cyberspace is so vast, so complex, so constantly changing that only artificial intelligence can keep up. America can’t prevail in cyberspace through superior numbers. We could never match China hacker for hacker. So our…

Our Artificial Intelligence ‘Sputnik Moment’ Is Now: Eric Schmidt & Bob Work

Our Artificial Intelligence ‘Sputnik Moment’ Is Now: Eric Schmidt & Bob Work
Our Artificial Intelligence ‘Sputnik Moment’ Is Now: Eric Schmidt & Bob Work

WASHINGTON: When former Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work heard the head of Google’s parent company, Eric Schmidt, say this morning that America needs a national strategy for developing Artificial Intelligence, one image sprang to his mind’s eye. “The image that popped into my mind was of Nikita Khrushchev banging his shoe in the UN and…

‘Landmark Event’ In Artificial Intelligence: DeepMind Trains Itself

‘Landmark Event’ In Artificial Intelligence: DeepMind Trains Itself
‘Landmark Event’ In Artificial Intelligence: DeepMind Trains Itself

WASHINGTON: When a computer system defeated one of the greatest masters of the complex game known as Go last year, the world gasped. Experts had said months before that such an event would not occur in their lifetimes. Last night, the magazine Nature published an article by DeepMind, the Google company behind that breakthrough, claiming…

Artificial Intelligence Will Help Hunt Daesh By December

Artificial Intelligence Will Help Hunt Daesh By December
Artificial Intelligence Will Help Hunt Daesh By December

THE NEWSEUM: Artificial intelligence is coming soon to a battlefield near you — with plenty of help from the private sector. Within six months the US military will start using commercial AI algorithms to sort through its masses of intelligence data on the Islamic State. “We will put an algorithm into a combat zone before…

Info Ops Officer Offers Artificial Intelligence Roadmap

Info Ops Officer Offers Artificial Intelligence Roadmap
Info Ops Officer Offers Artificial Intelligence Roadmap

Artificial intelligence, machine learning and autonomy are central to the future of American war. In particular, the Pentagon wants to develop software that can absorb more information from more sources than a human can, analyze it and either advise the human how to respond or — in high-speed situations like cyber warfare and missile defense — act on…

Artificial Stupidity: Learning To Trust Artificial Intelligence (Sometimes)

Artificial Stupidity: Learning To Trust Artificial Intelligence (Sometimes)
Artificial Stupidity: Learning To Trust Artificial Intelligence (Sometimes)

In science fiction and real life alike, there are plenty of horror stories where humans trust artificial intelligence too much. They range from letting the fictional SkyNet control our nuclear weapons to letting Patriots shoot down friendly planes or letting Tesla Autopilot crash into a truck. At the same time, though, there’s also a danger…

Artificial Stupidity: When Artificial Intelligence + Human = Disaster

APPLIED PHYSICS LABORATORY: Futurists worry about artificial intelligence becoming too intelligent for humanity’s good. Here and now, however, artificial intelligence can be dangerously dumb. When complacent humans become over-reliant on dumb AI, people can die. The lethal track record goes from the Tesla Autopilot crash last year, to the Air France 447 disaster that killed 228…

Artificial Intelligence For Air Force: Cyber & Electronic Warfare

Artificial Intelligence For Air Force: Cyber & Electronic Warfare
Artificial Intelligence For Air Force: Cyber & Electronic Warfare

AFA: The Air Force wants artificial intelligence to track and react to cyber and electronic threats, to update countermeasures against enemy hackers, radars, and missiles faster than human minds can manage. But first you have to fix the basics. Today, the Department Of Defense Information Network (DODIN) is really not a single network, but a…

Artificial Intelligence Drone Defeats Fighter Pilot: The Future?

Artificial Intelligence Drone Defeats Fighter Pilot: The Future?
Artificial Intelligence Drone Defeats Fighter Pilot: The Future?

In an intriguing paper certain to catch the eye of senior Pentagon officials, a company claims that an artificial intelligence program it designed allowed drones to repeatedly and convincingly “defeat” a human pilot in simulations in a test done with the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL). A highly experienced former Air Force battle manager, Gene Lee, tried repeatedly…

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