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Air Force, Riding Budget Boost, Warns On Sequester; U-2 Is BACK!

Air Force, Riding Budget Boost, Warns On Sequester; U-2 Is BACK!
Air Force, Riding Budget Boost, Warns On Sequester; U-2 Is BACK!

PENTAGON: We won’t know much about it, but protecting America’s military satellites and the data they gather and share is a key target of the 2016 service budget. Several senior Pentagon budget wallahs declined in the top-level budget briefings today to answer specific questions about the spending levels of what is known as Space Situational Awareness (SSA) and…

Navy 2016 Budget Funds V-22 COD Buy, Carrier Refuel

Navy 2016 Budget Funds V-22 COD Buy, Carrier Refuel
Navy 2016 Budget Funds V-22 COD Buy, Carrier Refuel

  PENTAGON: The Navy 2016 budget yields to Congress’s strong opposition to the service’s previous efforts to cut the active fleet to save money. It funds nuclear refueling and overhaul of the aircraft carrier USS George Washington –that it had tried to retire — and modifies its plan to put 11 cruisers and an amphibious ship…

The Phantom 2016 Budget: What Will Congress Grant?

The Phantom 2016 Budget: What Will Congress Grant?
The Phantom 2016 Budget: What Will Congress Grant?

UPDATED: Adds HASC Chair And Ranking Reactions; Quotes Deputy Secretary Bob Work On Congress, Budget, Strategy PENTAGON: The Obama administration wants to increase the money spent on weapons in 2016 by $14.1 billion over what Congress approved in December. It’s a rare move by an administration to increase procurement so vigorously. In fact, the two largest…

Army Adds $500M For Helicopters, But…

Army Adds $500M For Helicopters, But…
Army Adds $500M For Helicopters, But…

PENTAGON: $473 million. That’s the amount the 2016 budget request would boost spending over 2015 to modernize the Army’s aging helicopter fleet.That’s a nine percent increase in a time of shrinking budgets, swelling aviation to more than the next two modernization accounts (ground vehicles and networks) combined. But the Army’s aircraft request may be dead on arrival.…

Northrop Ad To Run During Super Bowl: Hints At Next-Gen Bomber

Northrop Ad To Run During Super Bowl: Hints At Next-Gen Bomber
Northrop Ad To Run During Super Bowl: Hints At Next-Gen Bomber It will be one of the great weapons competitions of the 21st century. Northrop Grumman is competing against a team of Boeing and Lockheed Martin to build the Long Range Strike Bomber. The company has also created design teams to work on so-called sixth generation fighters for the Air Force and the Navy. With…

The 100 Year Helicopter: Sign Of Army Helo Fleet’s Vulnerability

The 100 Year Helicopter: Sign Of Army Helo Fleet’s Vulnerability
The 100 Year Helicopter: Sign Of Army Helo Fleet’s Vulnerability

ARLINGTON: You probably don’t plan to keep your current car for 20 years. But that’s what the US Army has to do with its helicopter fleet. With the Armed Aerial Scout (AAS) helicopter stillborn for lack of funds and the Future Vertical Lift (FVL) family not entering production until the 2030s, the Army has to invest carefully…

Air Force Ups Its Game On F-35, Names 2-Star To Coordinate

Air Force Ups Its Game On F-35, Names 2-Star To Coordinate
Air Force Ups Its Game On F-35, Names 2-Star To Coordinate

PENTAGON: In a clear sign of the growing importance of the F-35 to the Air Force as the aircraft nears IOC, the service is boosting the profile and office of the person working with the Joint Strike Fighter’s Joint Program Office from a colonel to a two-star general. The service announced today that Maj. Gen. Jeffrey…

Army Looks To Build Two Forms of Medium Future Vertical Lift

Army Looks To Build Two Forms of Medium Future Vertical Lift
Army Looks To Build Two Forms of Medium Future Vertical Lift

ARLINGTON: And then there were five. There were already going to be four different aircraft in the Future Vertical Lift (FVL) family, from light to medium to heavy to “ultra.” Now it’s almost certain that the medium FVL will be split into two separate versions: a smaller attack/reconnaissance aircraft and a larger troop-carrying assault craft.…

Acquisition Reforms Don’t Cut Costs: Kendall Cites Study

Acquisition Reforms Don’t Cut Costs: Kendall Cites Study
Acquisition Reforms Don’t Cut Costs: Kendall Cites Study

WASHINGTON: Most Americans think it’s obvious: Change the rules to ensure the Pentagon will save money and it will save money. Congress after Congress has tried this, most recently in the form of the widely praised Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform Act. Sadly, the assumption that acquisition reform makes things better does not appear to stand up to…

‘There Is No Peace Dividend’: Army Vice Chief Rails Against Sequester

‘There Is No Peace Dividend’: Army Vice Chief Rails Against Sequester
‘There Is No Peace Dividend’: Army Vice Chief Rails Against Sequester

ARLINGTON: Across-the-board budget cuts have already forced the Army to “mortgage our near- and mid-term modernization,” the service’s vice chief of staff warned this morning. If the mandatory spending cuts known as sequestration occur in 2016 they could “push our volunteer force to the breaking point” by undermining trust between leaders and led. “We face a very real…

SOCOM Builds Iron Man, Piece By Piece

SOCOM Builds Iron Man, Piece By Piece
SOCOM Builds Iron Man, Piece By Piece

WASHINGTON: Despite the hype, the US Special Operations Command won’t issue Iron Man-style armor to its troops any time soon. But that’s not the standard by which to assess the success or failure of SOCOM’s much vaunted Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit initiative, the command’s chief weapons buyer says. The value of TALOS lies at least…

MUM-T Is The Word For AH-64E: Helos Fly, Use Drones

MUM-T Is The Word For AH-64E: Helos Fly, Use Drones
MUM-T Is The Word For AH-64E: Helos Fly, Use Drones

The drone revolution, it appears, came along just in time for the Army. The service’s leaders have decided they can afford neither a new armed scout helicopter nor even the old ones they already own, but there’s always MUM-T — aka Manned Unmanned Teaming, in which manned aircraft work with unmanned aerial systems (UAS), aka…

Kendall Unveils Sixth Gen Fighter Project For 2016

Kendall Unveils Sixth Gen Fighter Project For 2016
Kendall Unveils Sixth Gen Fighter Project For 2016

CAPITOL HILL: The United States will begin serious development of prototypes for so-called sixth generation fighters — successors to the F-35 and F-22 — for the Navy and the Air Force in the 2016 budget, says the head of Pentagon acquisition, Frank Kendall. The Aviation Innovation Initiative is a new effort, not an agglomeration of existing DARPA…

Ghostrider’s Big Gun: AC-130J Gets 105 ASAP; Laser Later

Ghostrider’s Big Gun: AC-130J Gets 105 ASAP; Laser Later
Ghostrider’s Big Gun: AC-130J Gets 105 ASAP; Laser Later

WASHINGTON: Sometimes smart bombs aren’t the smart choice. Sometimes you just need a big bad flying gun. That’s why the aging AC-130 gunship is still revered by ground troops for its ability to fire a 105mm cannon — a weapon normally mounted on light tanks. That’s why the head of Air Force Special Operations Command, Lt.…