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300 US Advisors Heading To Iraq; Obama Pledges To Eye ‘Mission Creep’

300 US Advisors Heading To Iraq; Obama Pledges To Eye ‘Mission Creep’
300 US Advisors Heading To Iraq; Obama Pledges To Eye ‘Mission Creep’

WASHINGTON: President Barack Obama today outlined a careful commitment of US forces to Iraq, pledging to watch any “mission creep” as he sends an initial 300 special operations advisors to gauge the strengths, weaknesses and cohesiveness of Iraq’s security forces as they battle the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). The U.S., Obama…

The New Great Power Triangle Tilt: China, Russia Vs. U.S.

WASHINGTON: The careful diplomatic stagecraft behind President Barack Obama’s recent European visit to celebrate the 70th anniversary of D-Day and to rally the Western alliance against Russia’s aggression in Ukraine was all but swept aside by strong new currents in geopolitics. While Obama talked tough in Poland to reassure NATO’s vulnerable eastern members, Russian President…

Air Force Keeps Mum On New Bomber RFP

Air Force Keeps Mum On New Bomber RFP
Air Force Keeps Mum On New Bomber RFP

WASHINGTON:The Air Force really, really doesn’t want to offer any new details about its Long Range Strike bomber. In light of last Friday’s  comments by the new head of Air Force acquisition, Bill LaPlante, to the effect that the new RFP for the Long Range Strike bomber would be out in “days,” I dug around…

PsyOps Primer: The Battle For Minds And Hearts

PsyOps Primer: The Battle For Minds And Hearts
PsyOps Primer: The Battle For Minds And Hearts

We don’t often run such items but the info graphic below nicely summarizes the art and history of psychological operations, though it doesn’t touch on the newer aspects of the art — social media and data mining. (After all knowing details of your target audience — age, sex, location, etc. — and influencing its actions…

Fading Solid Fuel Engine Biz Threatens Navy’s Trident Missile

Fading Solid Fuel Engine Biz Threatens Navy’s Trident Missile
Fading Solid Fuel Engine Biz Threatens Navy’s Trident Missile

CAPITOL HILL: “Failure to launch” isn’t a metaphorical concern when you work on nuclear weapons. That’s why the director of the Navy’s euphemistically named Strategic Systems Program (SSP) is a worried man. What has Vice Adm. Terry Benedict worried is something neither he, nor the Navy nor the entire Defense Department directly control. It’s the…

F-35, Prompted By PRC Stealth Jets, Others, Starts Next-Gen Threat Planning

F-35, Prompted By PRC Stealth Jets, Others, Starts Next-Gen Threat Planning
F-35, Prompted By PRC Stealth Jets, Others, Starts Next-Gen Threat Planning

  WASHINGTON: The F-35 is barely out of the stable and hasn’t been ridden hard yet, but the Pentagon is already beginning work on the next generation of improvements to the Joint Strike Fighter, with a close eye on the Chinese J-20 and J-31 stealth aircraft — and other capabilities. Frank Kendall, the Defense Department’s…

From Afghan Sell-Off To Pacific Build-Up: The Strategy Of Logistics

From Afghan Sell-Off To Pacific Build-Up: The Strategy Of Logistics
From Afghan Sell-Off To Pacific Build-Up: The Strategy Of Logistics

WASHINGTON: Some 45 football fields and gear worth $5 billion. That’s how much excess inventory and storage room the Defense Logistics Agency has sold or destroyed since the height of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and it’s not finished. DLA’s first sale of surplus equipment to local businesses in Afghanistan is scheduled for next…

Congress, Please Don’t Treat IT Purchases Special: Kendall Aide

Congress, Please Don’t Treat IT Purchases Special: Kendall Aide
Congress, Please Don’t Treat IT Purchases Special: Kendall Aide

WASHINGTON: “Dear Congress: Please stop helping us. Sincerely, the Pentagon.” That’s a form letter the Defense Department might do well to buy in bulk. It’s not what every administration official thinks every time a legislator comes up with an unsolicited bright idea, but when it comes to the thorny thicket of the military acquisition system, Congress’s…

Stunned By Cantor’s Loss, HASC Leaders Will Still Battle Sequestration: Rep. Rogers

Stunned By Cantor’s Loss, HASC Leaders Will Still Battle Sequestration: Rep. Rogers
Stunned By Cantor’s Loss, HASC Leaders Will Still Battle Sequestration: Rep. Rogers

CAPITOL HILL: House Majority Leader Eric Cantor isn’t physically absent from here yet, but he is close to politically dead after last night’s stunning political defeat by a little known Tea Party supporter from the southern Virginia constituency. I spoke to half a dozen close watchers of defense politics this morning and all but one…

SecDef Hagel Defends Guard Cuts To Governors

SecDef Hagel Defends Guard Cuts To Governors
SecDef Hagel Defends Guard Cuts To Governors

WASHINGTON: In the emotionally charged debate over the Army National Guard, the “don’t cut our Guard!” side has been much louder than the pro-cuts camp. That’s why it’s interesting to read this pretty low-key letter from Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel defending the cuts. The simple fact it’s Hagel’s signature on the letter speaks to the…

HAC Votes To Retire The A-10

HAC Votes To Retire The A-10
HAC Votes To Retire The A-10

  CAPITOL HILL: The House Appropriations Committee bucked the trend today, voting 23 to 13 to retire the beloved A-10 Warthog ground attack plane. Both the House and Senate Armed Services committees have voted to save it. While HASC and SASC are the authorizers who set defense policy, it’s the appropriators who vote the money to…

Lockheed Says It Can ‘Easily’ Improve LCS

Lockheed Says It Can ‘Easily’ Improve LCS
Lockheed Says It Can ‘Easily’ Improve LCS

ARLINGTON: In the race to replace the Navy’s controversial Littoral Combat Ship, the leading contender seems to be…. a better Littoral Combat Ship. That’s the clear implication of what we’ve been hearing from Navy leadership, and it’s clear from  press briefings today that LCS contractor Lockheed Martin feels pretty confident it can do the job.…

Lockheed CEO Hewson: IRAD Climbing 5%, Praises Major Air Shows

Lockheed CEO Hewson: IRAD Climbing 5%, Praises Major Air Shows
Lockheed CEO Hewson: IRAD Climbing 5%, Praises Major Air Shows

CRYSTAL CITY, Va: As the Defense Department continues to pressure companies to share the load in this time of shrinking budgets, Lockheed CEO Marilyn Hewson told reporters today her company will boost internal research and development spending 5 percent from its current level of $700 million. “We continue to invest in our porfolio because we…

Russia’s Information War: Latvian Ambassador, Finnish Strategist Warn On Cyber

Russia’s Information War: Latvian Ambassador, Finnish Strategist Warn On Cyber
Russia’s Information War: Latvian Ambassador, Finnish Strategist Warn On Cyber

LATVIAN EMBASSY, WASHINGTON: “We are neighbors of Russia and we have always been realists,” Ambassador Andris Razans told me. “Sometimes we might be characterized as alarmists, troublemakers, etc., but I think we are realists.” Even as President Obama exchanges tense words with Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of today’s D-Day anniversary ceremony, many Americans and…