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SecDef Hagel Defends Guard Cuts To Governors

SecDef Hagel Defends Guard Cuts To Governors
SecDef Hagel Defends Guard Cuts To Governors

WASHINGTON: In the emotionally charged debate over the Army National Guard, the “don’t cut our Guard!” side has been much louder than the pro-cuts camp. That’s why it’s interesting to read this pretty low-key letter from Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel defending the cuts. The simple fact it’s Hagel’s signature on the letter speaks to the…

HAC Votes To Retire The A-10

HAC Votes To Retire The A-10
HAC Votes To Retire The A-10

  CAPITOL HILL: The House Appropriations Committee bucked the trend today, voting 23 to 13 to retire the beloved A-10 Warthog ground attack plane. Both the House and Senate Armed Services committees have voted to save it. While HASC and SASC are the authorizers who set defense policy, it’s the appropriators who vote the money to…

Lockheed Says It Can ‘Easily’ Improve LCS

Lockheed Says It Can ‘Easily’ Improve LCS
Lockheed Says It Can ‘Easily’ Improve LCS

ARLINGTON: In the race to replace the Navy’s controversial Littoral Combat Ship, the leading contender seems to be…. a better Littoral Combat Ship. That’s the clear implication of what we’ve been hearing from Navy leadership, and it’s clear from  press briefings today that LCS contractor Lockheed Martin feels pretty confident it can do the job.…

Lockheed CEO Hewson: IRAD Climbing 5%, Praises Major Air Shows

Lockheed CEO Hewson: IRAD Climbing 5%, Praises Major Air Shows
Lockheed CEO Hewson: IRAD Climbing 5%, Praises Major Air Shows

CRYSTAL CITY, Va: As the Defense Department continues to pressure companies to share the load in this time of shrinking budgets, Lockheed CEO Marilyn Hewson told reporters today her company will boost internal research and development spending 5 percent from its current level of $700 million. “We continue to invest in our porfolio because we…

Russia’s Information War: Latvian Ambassador, Finnish Strategist Warn On Cyber

Russia’s Information War: Latvian Ambassador, Finnish Strategist Warn On Cyber
Russia’s Information War: Latvian Ambassador, Finnish Strategist Warn On Cyber

LATVIAN EMBASSY, WASHINGTON: “We are neighbors of Russia and we have always been realists,” Ambassador Andris Razans told me. “Sometimes we might be characterized as alarmists, troublemakers, etc., but I think we are realists.” Even as President Obama exchanges tense words with Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of today’s D-Day anniversary ceremony, many Americans and…

Gen. Mike Hostage On The F-35; No Growlers Needed When War Starts

Gen. Mike Hostage On The F-35; No Growlers Needed When War Starts
Gen. Mike Hostage On The F-35; No Growlers Needed When War Starts

For years, the news about the most expensive conventional weapons system in US history, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, has been driven by its soaring costs, technical problems and schedule screw-ups. The government and Congress and the public rarely speak about what the F-35 will do, how effectively it could destroy an enemy’s air defenses, shoot down…

‘A God’s Eye View Of The Battlefield:’ Gen. Hostage On The F-35

‘A God’s Eye View Of The Battlefield:’ Gen. Hostage On The F-35
‘A God’s Eye View Of The Battlefield:’ Gen. Hostage On The F-35

For years, the news about the most expensive conventional weapons system in US history, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, has been driven by its enormous cost, design, and schedule screw-ups. The Pentagon and Congress and the public have rarely spoken about what the F-35 would do, how effectively it could destroy an enemy’s air defenses,…

UAVs, Stealth, Carriers, Amphibs: DoD Report Details China’s Weapons

WASHINGTON: The People’s Liberation Army has practiced jamming GPS signals, according to a Pentagon report today. The Chinese are testing those and other electronic warfare weapons and they have “proven effective.” China plans to launch 100 satellites through 2015, including “imaging, remote sensing, navigation, communication, and scientific satellites, as well as manned spacecraft,” says a…

Breaking The Prison Of Our Own High-Tech Success

Breaking The Prison Of Our Own High-Tech Success
Breaking The Prison Of Our Own High-Tech Success

WASHINGTON: High-ranking officials and blue-ribbon commissions have spent decades trying to reform how the Defense Department develops new technologies, buys them, sustains them, and controls their export abroad. Almost everyone has failed. Why? Ben Fitzgerald says they’re thinking too small. “Hey guys, this is actually a strategic issue. It’s not just an acquisition issue or…

Future Vertical Lift: One Program Or Many?

Future Vertical Lift: One Program Or Many?
Future Vertical Lift: One Program Or Many?

WASHINGTON: What is Future Vertical Lift? There is no one answer, but rather a range of possibilities. At one extreme is a single mega-program, building four variants for the four services to replace a host of existing helicopters, a vision in some ways even more ambitious than the long-troubled tri-service Joint Strike Fighter (JSF). At the…

Intelsat Readies For ‘Epic’ Foray Into Military SatCom

Intelsat Readies For ‘Epic’ Foray Into Military SatCom
Intelsat Readies For ‘Epic’ Foray Into Military SatCom

WASHINGTON: For more than a decade, the US military has fumbled and groped and stumbled and, gradually, figured out ways to buy a mix of commercial satellite communications and dedicated military satellites so it could communicate and watch video from Predator, Global Hawk, and Reaper drones in theaters where military bandwidth was precious. For much…

USDI Vickers’ Top Threats: Terrorists, Syria, Russian ‘Revanchism’

USDI Vickers’ Top Threats: Terrorists, Syria, Russian ‘Revanchism’
USDI Vickers’ Top Threats: Terrorists, Syria, Russian ‘Revanchism’

WASHINGTON: If you want to understand why President Obama spoke so much about terrorism in his widely panned West Point speech, the head of Pentagon intelligence explained it pretty well today. Terrorism is and remains the top threat to the United States, Defense Undersecretary for Intelligence Mike Vickers said this morning at the Center for…

Speed Kills: The Case For Hypersonic Weapons

Speed Kills: The Case For Hypersonic Weapons
Speed Kills: The Case For Hypersonic Weapons

WASHINGTON: “I believe, today, we could build a Mach 5 cruise missile [with] off-the-shelf materials,” said Charles Brink of the Air Force Research Laboratory. “We could go 500 nautical miles in 10 minutes.” Brink should know: He ran AFRL’s record-breaking X-51 program. Now AFRL and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) are co-funding a…

New NSA, CyberCom Chief Tells Workforce: Forget Snowden, Do The Mission

New NSA, CyberCom Chief Tells Workforce: Forget Snowden, Do The Mission
New NSA, CyberCom Chief Tells Workforce: Forget Snowden, Do The Mission

WASHINGTON: “One of the things I try to tell the work force out there is this is not what is going to define us,” said Adm. Mike Rogers, new head of the National Security Agency and US Cyber Command. After two months in the job — and halfway through this morning’s Q&A at a Bloomberg Government…