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Air Force Launches Major New Strategy, Budget Looks; Start Work On Sixth Gen Fighter: CSAF Welsh

Air Force Launches Major New Strategy, Budget Looks; Start Work On Sixth Gen Fighter: CSAF Welsh
Air Force Launches Major New Strategy, Budget Looks; Start Work On Sixth Gen Fighter: CSAF Welsh

AFA WINTER, ORLANDO, FLA.:  The Air Force has launched a major effort to craft a new strategy and new efforts to better plan how it will spend its money, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh said today. “The question for us now is, what is next? Is it strategic agility, cyber-centric operations, blended…

Military Can Close Bases WITHOUT Congress’s OK: ‘Take Your Chances,’ Says Hill Staffer

Military Can Close Bases WITHOUT Congress’s OK: ‘Take Your Chances,’ Says Hill Staffer
Military Can Close Bases WITHOUT Congress’s OK: ‘Take Your Chances,’ Says Hill Staffer

AUSA WINTER, HUNTSVILLE, ALA.: Fear is in the air. “The commercial base will disappear,” Boeing executive James Moran believes. It’s not just sequestration, the retired brigadier general said this morning at the Association of the US Army’s winter conference. There is real anxiety among defense contractors that as budgets tighten, the Army will starve private…

Army Taps Controversial Generals: What McMaster & Mangum Mean For The Future

Army Taps Controversial Generals: What McMaster & Mangum Mean For The Future
Army Taps Controversial Generals: What McMaster & Mangum Mean For The Future

[UPDATED 6:30 pm] HUNTSVILLE, ALA.: The ever-beleaguered Army has a reputation — not undeserved — for being bland, conformist, and bureaucratic, an organization where brilliant mavericks are forced to retire at colonel and the guys who make general don’t rock the boat. Just ask any of the long-serving and long-suffering officers convening here in Huntsville, home…

Senior HASC Lawmaker Forbes Presses Navy On UCLASS Requirements

Senior HASC Lawmaker Forbes Presses Navy On UCLASS Requirements
Senior HASC Lawmaker Forbes Presses Navy On UCLASS Requirements

CAPITOL HILL: A member of Congress, Rep. Randy Forbes, is so concerned about a new Navy program and its future importance that he has written Navy Secretary Ray Mabus about the requirements of the service’s promising drone known as UCLASS. (Scroll down to read the full document). This is the second time Forbes, chairman of…

IAEA Chief Warns On Iran Nuke Inspections; ‘More Remains To Be Done:’ Exclusive

IAEA Chief Warns On Iran Nuke Inspections; ‘More Remains To Be Done:’ Exclusive
IAEA Chief Warns On Iran Nuke Inspections; ‘More Remains To Be Done:’ Exclusive

  VIENNA: The UN atomic watchdog will still have a hard time answering crucial questions about whether Iran seeks nuclear weapons despite winning better access for inspectors, the UN’s top inspector Yukiya Amano told Breaking Defense in an exclusive interview Monday at the agency’s headquarters here. Amano said the main problem going forward is that…

Pentagon Trims Planned JSF Buy By 8; 60 Minutes’ F-35 Piece Not Bad

Pentagon Trims Planned JSF Buy By 8; 60 Minutes’ F-35 Piece Not Bad
Pentagon Trims Planned JSF Buy By 8; 60 Minutes’ F-35 Piece Not Bad

WASHINGTON: Breaking Defense pretty much ignored the error-ridden piece that Vanity Fair ran about the F-35. We yawned when the Washington Post spent six months investigating the program and came up with a decent summary of the program and not much more. So when 60 Minutes, still the biggest name in TV news, finally ran its…

Marines Budget Scramble: Commandant Resurrects MPC, ACV In Limbo

Marines Budget Scramble: Commandant Resurrects MPC, ACV In Limbo
Marines Budget Scramble: Commandant Resurrects MPC, ACV In Limbo

Imagine you’re a military supply officer, weary but proud as you watch the train you’ve laboriously loaded with gear roll out of the depot towards the front. And then you realize: You packed the wrong tank. Now you need to get that vehicle off and the right vehicle on — while the train’s already leaving…

Time To Talk Plainly And Clearly About Nuclear Weapons

Time To Talk Plainly And Clearly About Nuclear Weapons
Time To Talk Plainly And Clearly About Nuclear Weapons

Bob Butterworth knows nuclear weapons. He know cyber weapons. He knows space. He knows intelligence. And Butterworth cares enough to take public risks, to speak plainly in hopes others will do the same and thus help the country find the best answers to tough problems. While the American public has little idea it’s happening, a…

Can New Amphibious Ship Coalition Grow Grass Roots?

Can New Amphibious Ship Coalition Grow Grass Roots?
Can New Amphibious Ship Coalition Grow Grass Roots?

WASHINGTON: This town needs another lobbying organization like I need another hole in my head. But when everyone else has a “grass roots” group to help make their case to Congress, not having your own is a form of unilateral disarmament — an especially bad idea in a time of escalating budget wars. “Having a…

Can Fire Scout Drone Help Save LCS?

Can Fire Scout Drone Help Save LCS?
Can Fire Scout Drone Help Save LCS?

At 11 years old, the robot helicopter called the MQ-8 Fire Scout is a at least a preadolescent. But ever since the reconnaissance drone’s first flight in 2002, it’s had one big problem: It’s a little bit…little. So, at the Navy’s request, manufacturer Northrop Grumman basically did a brain transplant. It put the Fire Scout’s…

SOCOM’s Iron Man Suit Sees ‘Astounding’ Progress: Adm. McRaven

SOCOM’s Iron Man Suit Sees ‘Astounding’ Progress: Adm. McRaven
SOCOM’s Iron Man Suit Sees ‘Astounding’ Progress: Adm. McRaven

WASHINGTON: Special operations types — like those who found and killed Osama bin Laden –may stand tall and do amazing things sometimes, but they tend to be fairly plain spoken. You rarely hear them say something is “astounding,” especially a new weapon. For example, one special operator recently awarded the Silver Star said he would…

Afghanistan ‘As Good As It’s Going To Get’: Marine Commandant

Afghanistan ‘As Good As It’s Going To Get’: Marine Commandant
Afghanistan ‘As Good As It’s Going To Get’: Marine Commandant

As America winds up its 13-year war in Afghanistan, where do things stand? “I leave this Saturday night [for Helmand province] to meet the governor and the provincial police chief,” Gen. James Amos said this afternoon. “My sense is, it’s about” — and here he paused — “it’s about as good as it’s going to…

Lessons From Marines’ Special Africa Force: Juba, The Anti-Bengahzi

Lessons From Marines’ Special Africa Force: Juba, The Anti-Bengahzi
Lessons From Marines’ Special Africa Force: Juba, The Anti-Bengahzi

After the US Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, was murdered in Benghazi, the call went out to beef up America’s ability to respond rapidly to smaller attacks and crises. The Marines created a new Special Purpose force. This is the first time anyone has gotten interviews with anyone but the commander in the Marines’…

DepSecDef Visits, Criticizes Littoral Combat Ship; Fox Replacement Is LCS Backer

DepSecDef Visits, Criticizes Littoral Combat Ship; Fox Replacement Is LCS Backer
DepSecDef Visits, Criticizes Littoral Combat Ship; Fox Replacement Is LCS Backer

It’s a delicate time for the Navy’s controversial Littoral Combat Ship, largely because of acting Deputy Defense Secretary Christine Fox. It was Fox who wrote the memo directing the Navy to slash its long-term LCS buy from 52 vessels to 32. So we’d love to know how strained the smiles were yesterday when Fox stepped aboard…