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Obama Boosts How Foreigners SIGINT Data Is Treated; Issues PPD 28

WASHINGTON: In a speech that demonstrated just how important SIGINT really is, President Obama issued a new policy directive today that essentially says, we’ll be more careful in the future about containing leaks, making allies mad at us and giving American’s reason to think we might be violating their privacy. Perhaps most importantly, the new…

Littoral Combat Ship Cut Plan Reopens Navy Rift: Build ‘Em Fast Or Rugged

Littoral Combat Ship Cut Plan Reopens Navy Rift: Build ‘Em Fast Or Rugged
Littoral Combat Ship Cut Plan Reopens Navy Rift: Build ‘Em Fast Or Rugged

CRYSTAL CITY: The Littoral Combat Ship was supposed to be one of the fastest things in the fleet, but it seems like the skeptics – and the sequester – have caught up with it. The question is, what’s next? After a Pentagon memo  recommended slashing the program by more than a third — from 52 ships to…

McKeon Leaving HASC; Thornberry Front Runner For Chairman

McKeon Leaving HASC; Thornberry Front Runner For Chairman
McKeon Leaving HASC; Thornberry Front Runner For Chairman

WASHINGTON: It’s finally official: after three years leading Congress’ largest committee and 22 years in Congress, Rep. Buck McKeon of California has announced he is heading for the door. McKeon, whose departure has been rumored (and denied or deflected by his spokesmen) for more than a year, has been a reliable supporter of the defense…

New Air Force Secretary James Confronts Nuclear Cheating, Drug Scandals

PENTAGON: In her first press conference as Air Force Secretary, Deborah Lee James had the sad duty of detailing the biggest cheating scandal in the history of Global Strike Command, involving 34 of the 190 officers who man the nuclear missile silos at Montana’s Malmstrom Air Force Base. James said she met with Defense Secretary…

Army, Guard On Brink Of War: NGAUS Fires First Salvo

Army, Guard On Brink Of War: NGAUS Fires First Salvo
Army, Guard On Brink Of War: NGAUS Fires First Salvo

The war hasn’t started, yet. But unless the regular Army and the National Guard can resolve their differences behind closed doors before the president’s budget request is publicly submitted sometime in February — and prospects are dim — there will be open, brutal conflict on Capitol Hill on a scale not seen since the 1990s.…

House GOP Defense Heavies Slam China After Hypersonic Missile Test

House GOP Defense Heavies Slam China After Hypersonic Missile Test
House GOP Defense Heavies Slam China After Hypersonic Missile Test

CAPITOL HILL: Sometimes it can seem as if one lives on several different planets at the same time while living here in Washington. This afternoon saw three top GOP lawmakers decrying China after it apparently tested (we don’t know if the test was successful) a hypersonic vehicle. This evening, the Navy announced it is beefing…

3D Printing: Imagine A Brigade Producing Parts On Battlefield

3D Printing: Imagine A Brigade Producing Parts On Battlefield
3D Printing: Imagine A Brigade Producing Parts On Battlefield

Additive manufacturing, known to the public as 3D printing, may profoundly improve combat readiness and the defense industrial base far more than imagined by most proponents. But the Pentagon must account for the way different organizations measure performance, or it will be doomed to long delays and costly failure. Additive manufacturing can be used to…

Intelligence in 2014: Shrinking Budget Cuts, Snowden-Driven ‘Reforms’

Intelligence in 2014: Shrinking Budget Cuts, Snowden-Driven ‘Reforms’
Intelligence in 2014: Shrinking Budget Cuts, Snowden-Driven ‘Reforms’

WASHINGTON: Positing the future of intelligence — even for one year — poses unique challenges. First, there’s so much those of on the outside don’t know. Then there’s the simple truth that our enemies and competitors drive so much of intelligence. Since we can’t know with certainty what will happen, it’s difficult to predict what the intelligence…

Gen. Grass: Budget Deal Gives Guard, Army Time To Compromise

Gen. Grass: Budget Deal Gives Guard, Army Time To Compromise
Gen. Grass: Budget Deal Gives Guard, Army Time To Compromise

As budgets tighten, will the National Guard and the regular Army go to war? Not if Gen. Frank Grass, chief of the National Guard Bureau, can help it. Peppered with questions about the conflict today at the National Press Club, Grass carefully redirected almost every one. In fact, he said, December’s last-ditch budget deal to delay…

Marines 2014: Year Of Decision For Amphibious Combat Vehicle

Marines 2014: Year Of Decision For Amphibious Combat Vehicle
Marines 2014: Year Of Decision For Amphibious Combat Vehicle

Marine Commandant James Amos must make a tough call this year on a program that will define the future Marine Corps: whether to develop and buy the Amphibious Combat Vehicle. “The Commandant considers a replacement craft for his aging AAV7 Amphibious Tractor to be his number-one priority,” said Gen. Amos’s spokesman, Lt. Col. David Nevers,…

Japan Re-Shapes Its National Security Strategy

Japan Re-Shapes Its National Security Strategy
Japan Re-Shapes Its National Security Strategy

Japanese national security strategy is shifting. The Pacific power’s new National Security Strategy highlights a comprehensive look ahead built around what they call a “comprehensive defense architecture.” This architecture is built on effective joint forces, a close working relationship with key allies such as the United States, Australia and Japan, and a proactive approach in which…

Army Sends Cannoneer To Korea, Acquisition Expert To Afghanistan

Army Sends Cannoneer To Korea, Acquisition Expert To Afghanistan
Army Sends Cannoneer To Korea, Acquisition Expert To Afghanistan

The Army announced new assignments for ten generals this afternoon, but two in particular stand out as signs of the times. They’re sending a battle-hardened artilleryman from the 82nd Airborne Division to the No. 2 job in South Korea and a veteran acquisition officer to Afghanistan. Moving Maj. Gen. Harold Greene from the Army’s acquisition…

Pacific Pivot vs. Mideast Crisis: Army Reinforces Korea As Iraq Burns

Pacific Pivot vs. Mideast Crisis: Army Reinforces Korea As Iraq Burns
Pacific Pivot vs. Mideast Crisis: Army Reinforces Korea As Iraq Burns

WASHINGTON: Two years ago, the Obama administration announced its “Pacific Pivot” (hastily renamed a “rebalance”), but crises keep yanking US attention back from a rising China to the unstable cradle of civilization (as we predicted at the time): Iran threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz to oil traffic, Syria disintegrated into an increasingly sectarian…

EADS NA CEO Who Led Tanker Campaign Replaced

WASHINGTON: Sean O’Keefe, who led the bold but ultimately unsuccessful campaign by EADS North America to win the contract to build a new airborne tanker for the United States, is stepping down from his post as CEO and chairman of the American portion of the company now known as Airbus Group Inc. But O’Keefe is…