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Rep. Tammy Duckworth Berates Dubious ‘Disabled Vet’ — But There’s A Deeper Problem

Rep. Tammy Duckworth Berates Dubious ‘Disabled Vet’ — But There’s A Deeper Problem
Rep. Tammy Duckworth Berates Dubious ‘Disabled Vet’ — But There’s A Deeper Problem

WASHINGTON: Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth lost both legs and full use of her right arm when her Illinois Army National Guard helicopter got shot down in Iraq. So the Illinois Democrat was understandably impatient with Braulio Castillo, a technology contractor who parlayed an old football injury at a military prep school into a dubious 30 percent disability…

Marines Will Sacrifice Everything But ACV & Readiness To Sequester; Marine Personnel Carrier Dropped: Gen. Amos

Marines Will Sacrifice Everything But ACV & Readiness To Sequester; Marine Personnel Carrier Dropped: Gen. Amos
Marines Will Sacrifice Everything But ACV & Readiness To Sequester; Marine Personnel Carrier Dropped: Gen. Amos

WASHINGTON:  Fewer F-35B Joint Strike Fighters, MV-22 Ospreys, AH-1 Cobras, and UH-1 Hueys. No Marine Personnel Carrier. Maybe no Joint Light Tactical Vehicle to replace the Humvee. 8,000 fewer Marines on active duty. The Marine Commandant has put all that on the table as part of his proposal to the Defense Secretary’s Strategic Choices and…

DoD Aviation Plan Ignores Sequestration; Rep. Forbes Warily Watches F-18, F-35 Balance

DoD Aviation Plan Ignores Sequestration; Rep. Forbes Warily Watches F-18, F-35 Balance
DoD Aviation Plan Ignores Sequestration; Rep. Forbes Warily Watches F-18, F-35 Balance

WASHINGTON: The second comprehensive report to Congress on the Pentagon’s aviation fleet paints a pretty robust picture of the fleet in most respects all the way out to 2043. But there’s a rub: like the Obama Administration’s budget request, the report doesn’t take sequestration into effect. (You can read the report below.) DoD Aircraft Report…

Is This America’s Deadliest Soldier?

Is This America’s Deadliest Soldier?
Is This America’s Deadliest Soldier? Saul hath slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands. (1 Samuel 18:7) The web is abuzz over Dillard Johnson, a retired Army sergeant first class whose newly released memoir, Carnivore, claims he killed 2,746 enemy combatants in Iraq with everything from a .25 mm chain gun to a sniper rifle to a hunting…

Army Cuts 10 Combat Brigades — Or 11, Or 13 — And That’s Just The Beginning

Army Cuts 10 Combat Brigades — Or 11, Or 13 — And That’s Just The Beginning
Army Cuts 10 Combat Brigades — Or 11, Or 13 — And That’s Just The Beginning

PENTAGON: The Army’s widely publicized decision to cut 10 brigade combat teams from bases in eight states is just part of the story of the incredible shrinking armed services. To start with, it’s not actually 10 brigades: It’s 11, the 10 announced this afternoon and a player to be named later. Or, if you count…

AEI & Heritage Target Rebuilding GOP Views On ‘Common Defense’

[updated Wednesday with remarks from Sen. Ayotte, Sen. Kyl, and James Carafano] Tomorrow morning, one of the Republican Party’s rising stars, Sen. Kelly Ayotte, will kick off a new project co-sponsored by two of its long-established institutions, the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. The official agenda of the “Project for the Common Defense”…

Foreign Arms Sales, Sequestration And The Future of Aerospace Companies

Foreign Arms Sales, Sequestration And The Future of Aerospace Companies
Foreign Arms Sales, Sequestration And The Future of Aerospace Companies

PARIS: Every American defense company here wants to sell more weapons to foreign buyers in the Middle East and in Asia as they seek to compensate for flat or declining sales in the United States. Every European defense company wants to sell more weapons to foreign buyers in the Middle East and in Asia as…

Redefining Energy Security in the 21st Century

The following commentary appeared in our sister publication, Breaking Energy. While we don’t usually write about the Defense Department’s energy use (except when it’s a casus belli or a major budget item in aggregate) this piece addresses a fundamental issue of American foreign and domestic policy: climate change and foreign sources of energy. The Editor.…

Sen. Sessions: GOP Might Ease Initial Sequestration Cuts

CAPITOL HILL: On issues from nuclear weapons to the spending cuts known as sequestration, political common ground has turned into a war-torn no-man’s-land where both sides fear to tread. That intractable divide between the parties was on full display this morning at One Constitution Avenue, across the street from the US Capitol, where Alabama Senator…

Top Official Admits F-35 Stealth Fighter Secrets Stolen

Top Official Admits F-35 Stealth Fighter Secrets Stolen
Top Official Admits F-35 Stealth Fighter Secrets Stolen

Yesterday, at a subcommittee hearing attended by just half a dozen Senators, the Pentagon’s top weapons buyer made a blunt admission: The military’s most expensive program, the stealthy F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, has been hacked and the stolen data used by America’s adversaries. acquisition undersecretary Frank Kendall didn’t say by whom, but the answer is…

Stars of 2013 Paris Air Show: Russian Su-35; European Neuron UAV: NO Americans

Stars of 2013 Paris Air Show: Russian Su-35; European Neuron UAV: NO Americans
Stars of 2013 Paris Air Show: Russian Su-35; European Neuron UAV: NO Americans

PARIS AIR SHOW: It’s fair to say that the unabashed star of this show was the Russian Sukhoi Su-35 fighter. It didn’t fly much but when it did, jaws dropped. With no American military fighters, helicopters or cargo planes flying here this year, the Su-35 pretty much had the show to itself, since the European…

F-35 Sails Through Crucial Senate Hearing; Witnesses Testify There’s No Alternative

F-35 Sails Through Crucial Senate Hearing; Witnesses Testify There’s No Alternative
F-35 Sails Through Crucial Senate Hearing; Witnesses Testify There’s No Alternative

CAPITOL HILL: The Pentagon’s most expensive conventional weapon program emerged largely unscathed from perhaps its most intensive review before the crucial congressional subcommittee that controls military funding. As over budget and behind schedule as the $391 billion, 2,443-plane F-35 program has fallen since initial promises of a low-cost, multi-service Joint Strike Fighter, two high-powered panels…

BAE Pushes Its T-X Bird At Paris Show; Gen. Welsh Tells DC ‘We’re On Track’

BAE Pushes Its T-X Bird At Paris Show; Gen. Welsh Tells DC ‘We’re On Track’
BAE Pushes Its T-X Bird At Paris Show; Gen. Welsh Tells DC ‘We’re On Track’

PARIS AIR SHOW: It is one of the hottest competitions for which there is not yet a formal Pentagon program. The Air Force’s next generation trainer — known as T-X — will be worth some $11 billion for some 350 planes. Lockheed Martin and the South Korean maker of the T-50 have teamed up to…

Marines Launch Drive To Shove Down F-35B Costs

Marines Launch Drive To Shove Down F-35B Costs
Marines Launch Drive To Shove Down F-35B Costs

PARIS AIR SHOW: The top Marine aviator, Lt. Gen. Robert Schmidle, announced a “very aggressive program” at the world’s largest airshow to bring down the costs of operating and maintaining the Marines’ F-35B model of F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. His choice of Paris as the venue for the announcement spoke volumes. The international partners in…