Army Unveils Multi-Domain Concept; Joined At Hip With Air Force

Army Unveils Multi-Domain Concept; Joined At Hip With Air Force
Army Unveils Multi-Domain Concept; Joined At Hip With Air Force

Just as AirLand Battle was aimed straight at the former Soviet Union, with its massed mechanized armies, Multi-Domain Operations is aimed straight at Vladimir Putin’s Russia, with its long-range missiles, electronic/cyber warfare expertise, and Little Green Men.

Gen. Holmes Sketches Multi-Domain Warfare; A-10 Wings Funded in ’19

Gen. Holmes Sketches Multi-Domain Warfare; A-10 Wings Funded in ’19
Gen. Holmes Sketches Multi-Domain Warfare; A-10 Wings Funded in ’19

WASHINGTON: The Air Force and Army couldn’t start an important set of tabletop wargames last week because of the government shutdown. Air Force Gen. Mike Holmes revealed the information when he disclosed today that the Air Force was starting multi-domain war games to hammer out how the land and air services would work together in…

JSTARS Just A Target In A2AD; No Need To Replace

JSTARS Just A Target In A2AD; No Need To Replace
JSTARS Just A Target In A2AD; No Need To Replace

AFA HQ: We finally learned why the Air Force has been backing away from a new JSTARS: it probably wouldn’t be much use in a real shooting war. That’s the verdict, stated in less unforgiving terms by the head of Air Combat Command, Gen. Mike Holmes, here in a speech. “The question is, how will…

A Wider War: Army Revises Multi-Domain Battle With Air Force Help

A Wider War: Army Revises Multi-Domain Battle With Air Force Help
A Wider War: Army Revises Multi-Domain Battle With Air Force Help

AUSA: How do you coordinate foot soldiers moving four miles per hour with fighter jets moving 1,500 mph?  To address the differences in speed and range, the Army’s Training & Doctrine Command is already revising its new “battlefield framework” – which was first circulated just in July – to open up the Army’s traditional geographic zones…

Where’s The Beef? Krepinevich Slams Vagueness Of US Strategy

WASHINGTON: Where’s the strategic beef? That’s what Andrew Krepinevich wants to know. “When the administration came out with its strategic guidance [in] January, I thought the guidance made a lot of sense in terms of setting priorities,” the head of the influential Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments said this morning at the headquarters of…

The Army’s Vision Thing: The Biggest Service Struggles To Define Itself

The U.S. Army has always struggled with what the elder George Bush once called “the vision thing.” Now that struggle is boiling over. At the latest of a series of conferences on the future of the Army, junior officers openly debated with top generals over how to sell the service to the Congress, the country,…