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The last mile for JADC2: bringing situational awareness and decision making to the edge

The last mile for JADC2: bringing situational awareness and decision making to the edge
The last mile for JADC2: bringing situational awareness and decision making to the edge

All domain operations need something to fill the communications gap between broadband LTE and tactical radio systems.

Kill Chain In The Sky With Data: Army’s Project Convergence

Kill Chain In The Sky With Data: Army’s Project Convergence
Kill Chain In The Sky With Data: Army’s Project Convergence

Over the southwest desert, drones large and small are autonomously avoiding anti-aircraft threats while feeding real-time targeting data over an AI network to troops on the ground.

Army Patches Its Network For Near Term

Army Patches Its Network For Near Term
Army Patches Its Network For Near Term

The long-term solution may take “big, leap-ahead technology,” said Maj. Gen. Pete Gallagher, head of the Cross Functional Team leading the network overhaul. But short-term solutions can be as simple as replacing bulky metal antennas with inflatable ones or loading new software on an off-the-shelf Android phone.

Drone Delivery, Direct To The Grunt: Marines Experiment With Hive UAVs

Drone Delivery, Direct To The Grunt: Marines Experiment With Hive UAVs
Drone Delivery, Direct To The Grunt: Marines Experiment With Hive UAVs

It was a Marine reservist, transport officer Maj. Chris Thobaben, who had the idea to repurpose the scout drones for logistics after seeing too many comrades killed or wounded on supply runs in Iraq.