Rain or shine: Why upgraded space-based weather-monitoring is crucial for the military

Rain or shine: Why upgraded space-based weather-monitoring is crucial for the military
Rain or shine: Why upgraded space-based weather-monitoring is crucial for the military

There’s a little-discussed but key space program that The Mitchell Institute’s Tim Ryan argues is in need of urgent upgrades.

Rain today? DIU, Air Force partner on global weather sensing

Rain today? DIU, Air Force partner on global weather sensing
Rain today? DIU, Air Force partner on global weather sensing

“High resolution (spatial and temporal) global weather data is more readily accessible from commercial platforms, and is increasingly important for making well-informed decisions in geographically diverse environments around the world,” the DIU-AFLCMC announcement states.

Space Force seeking both new weather sats, and subscription data services

Space Force seeking both new weather sats, and subscription data services
Space Force seeking both new weather sats, and subscription data services

“SSC is exploring both options,” said Space Systems Command’s Lt. Col. Joseph Maguadog, with a focus “on ensuring we meet both the near- & long-term needs of our warfighter.” 

Russian ASAT debris imperils DoD, NRO sats, while ISS risks increase: COMSPOC

Russian ASAT debris imperils DoD, NRO sats, while ISS risks increase: COMSPOC
Russian ASAT debris imperils DoD, NRO sats, while ISS risks increase: COMSPOC

The COMSPOC analysis shows that the bulk of the some 1,500 debris pieces being tracked by Space Command’s 18th Space Control Squadron will de-orbit within about three years time. 

Could ‘Weather Intelligence’ Take The Pentagon By Storm?

Could ‘Weather Intelligence’ Take The Pentagon By Storm?
Could ‘Weather Intelligence’ Take The Pentagon By Storm?

A weather “data coverage gap exists in areas that we operate on a regular basis in the military,” says Dan Stillman, director of marketing for Tomorrow.io’s space and government division.

HASC Strat Forces Will Push Weather Sats to NRO; Fences JSPOC Dough

HASC Strat Forces Will Push Weather Sats to NRO; Fences JSPOC Dough
HASC Strat Forces Will Push Weather Sats to NRO; Fences JSPOC Dough

UPDATED from Hill staff briefing WASHINGTON: In a move that may spark sustained conflict between the worlds of black and white space, the House Armed Services strategic forces subcommittee wants to transfer the building of weather of satellites to the National Reconnaissance Office after years of bumbling and indecision by the Air Force, NASA and NOAA.…

HASC StratForces Chair Slams Air Force Space Management

HASC StratForces Chair Slams Air Force Space Management
HASC StratForces Chair Slams Air Force Space Management

CAPITOL HILL: The short view: Congressman slams Air Force for weather satellite fiasco. Long view: Congress, White House, Air Force, NASA, Commerce Department have all screwed up US weather satellite programs. “We could have saved the Air Force and the Congress a lot of aggravation if we put a half of a billion dollars in…