“These systems can often achieve objectives using just one or two drones per target rather than eight or nine,” Ukrainian-American scholar Kateryna Bondar, a former advisor to Kyiv, writes in a new report released today by CSIS.
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.
“We’re not the only target that damn communists are trying to overcome,” Col. Gary Kipe said Wednesday. “They’re trying to overcome freedom loving people around the world, and all of us are using the same data.”
By Carley Welch
After exercises, soldiers said they want to see better edge computing, mobile pLEO solutions and more.
By Carley Welch
The 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing is modeling a new approach to electronic warfare for all the services: Instead of traditional quarterly updates, the 350th can now update over 30 Air Force systems about new threats within three hours.
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.
“No matter what theater we talk about – PACOM, Europe – everything needs to be smaller, lighter [and] very modular, so…we can throw it in the back of a pickup truck,” said Col. Devin Licklider, program manager for MAGTF Command & Control.
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.
The civilian internet firm will build prototype software for Tactical Identity Credential & Access Management, a critical step in bringing “zero trust” cybersecurity to battlefield networks.
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.
Because it needs much less electricity per computation than current chips, the new hardware could take AI out of big data centers and onto drones, robots, and other small platforms at the “tactical edge.”
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.
It’s tempting to use AI to micromanage military operations from an all-seeing HQ. But experts warn the chaos of war means AI is best used to empower decentralized initiative — an area where the democratic West just might have the edge.
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.
How can warfighters know when the AI is telling the truth? The answer to that and the roles of AI/ML in all-domain operations are inextricably linked.
By Breaking Defense
After just three years, there are now 200 teams across DoD doing DevSecOps, which has saved, on average, a year and $12.5 million per app it’s been used to launch, the Air Force’s Chief Software Officer says. When you consider the number of apps, that’s significant. And now there’s a push to make DevSecOps resources available to JADC2.
By Brad D. Williams
The new owners bring venture capital and software expertise to upgrade Area-I’s ALTIUS mini-drone, already a favorite in Army experiments with ‘Air-Launched Effects.’
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.
The sixth ABMS onramp “was going to be in partnership with Australia, and allies and partners, in the Pacific Rim,” Air Force Chief Architect Preston Dunlap said, but “just due to the budget constraints, we had to pull the plug on that.”
By Theresa Hitchens
The Pentagon’s grand plans for Joint All Domain Command & Control require translating masses of data across incompatible systems. “Unless you get the underpinnings of a foundational data fabric,” Maj. Gen. Peter Gallagher told me, “it will never happen.”
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.
The military sees huge potential in tiny electronics to revolutionize warfare with swarms of expendable, interconnected drones. But it doesn’t want to repeat the mistakes of the F-35 by building a single multi-service mega-program to build them.
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.