“The system actually worked very well, but we had some, some additional work to do, from a suitability perspective,” Lt. Gen. Robert Rasch told Breaking Defense.
By Ashley Roque
Army Chief of Staff Gen. Randy George is sending a slew of developmental C-UAS systems to the Middle East. Soldiers there are aligned to receive a new high-powered microwave.
By Ashley Roque
Andy Lowery, Epirus’ CEO, told Breaking Defense that the company’s technology would be a good fit for the ongoing Red Sea situation.
By Justin Katz
“The IFPC-HPM platoon will undergo capabilities and limitations testing by the Army to develop tactics, techniques and procedures for how the capability will be used in theater as part of a layered defense posture for the counter-UAS mission,” an Epirus spokesman told Breaking Defense.
By Ashley Roque
“IFPC-HPM provides much needed protection against adversarial UAS swarms capable of targeting and overwhelming US and allied air defense systems,” the Army said in budget request documents.
By Ashley Roque
The partnership will initially integrate onto Strykers, but as has an eye on future autonomous platforms.
By Andrew Eversden