Bigger Debt Means Smaller Budgets (But We Need More Shipyards): DoD Officials

Bigger Debt Means Smaller Budgets (But We Need More Shipyards): DoD Officials
Bigger Debt Means Smaller Budgets (But We Need More Shipyards): DoD Officials

Even as one official warned that budget pressures would squeeze the budget, another said the nation must expand the defense industrial base to build a 355-ship Navy.

Trump Advisor Charges “Globalist” Conspiracy to Undermine China Trade Deal

Trump Advisor Charges “Globalist” Conspiracy to Undermine China Trade Deal
Trump Advisor Charges “Globalist” Conspiracy to Undermine China Trade Deal

WASHINGTON: President Trump’s top advisor on trade and manufacturing policy railed against “globalist billionaires” and Wall Street executives during a forceful, hour-long speech in Washington on Friday. Peter Navarro accused US business leaders of being “unregistered foreign agents” working for Beijing trying to pressure President Donald Trump into a trade deal with China. “When these…

Trump’s Industrial Base Report Blames China, Sequestration

Trump’s Industrial Base Report Blames China, Sequestration
Trump’s Industrial Base Report Blames China, Sequestration

Congress and China have emerged as the primary culprits for the weakening the US defense industrial base. Those are the most striking findings of a new White House report that takes a deep-dive into the state of defense manufacturing in the United States, sounding alarm bells over the decline in capability and the rise of China’s industrial might.

Trump OK’s Huge Industrial Base Study: Rollout May Be Delayed

Trump OK’s Huge Industrial Base Study: Rollout May Be Delayed
Trump OK’s Huge Industrial Base Study: Rollout May Be Delayed

President Trump approved a major study of America’s national security economy last week after meeting with Deputy Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan. But Hurricane Florence might have something to say about when it’s released!

White House Industrial Base Study Focuses On Near-Term Fixes

White House Industrial Base Study Focuses On Near-Term Fixes
White House Industrial Base Study Focuses On Near-Term Fixes

These single points of failure already limit military modernization and potentially could disrupt operations in a crisis. That’s especially true if production needed to ramp up urgently for a major war, a subject the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Joseph Dunford, has publicly angsted about.

DoD, White House Likely To Fight Chinese Monopoly on Rare Earth Minerals

DoD, White House Likely To Fight Chinese Monopoly on Rare Earth Minerals
DoD, White House Likely To Fight Chinese Monopoly on Rare Earth Minerals

With an Executive Order and a new study due soon that promises to take a hard line against Chinese imports, the Trump administration is opening a new front, while protecting the US defense industry.

Industrial Base Analysis Picks Up Steam; Recommendations To White House By April

Industrial Base Analysis Picks Up Steam; Recommendations To White House By April
Industrial Base Analysis Picks Up Steam; Recommendations To White House By April

WASHINGTON: President Trump’s sweeping review of the national security industrial base — from shipbuilding to microchips, strategic minerals to vaccines — is almost halfway done. A score of working groups across the government, not just the Pentagon, will submit their draft recommendations this month and next, an administration official briefed on the review tells me. Then…

Trump Acts To Revitalize America’s Defense Industrial Base

Trump Acts To Revitalize America’s Defense Industrial Base
Trump Acts To Revitalize America’s Defense Industrial Base

President Donald Trump has identified a fact few of his recent predecessors have understood: the Defense Industrial Base of the United States (DIB) is a critical component of our national security. The DIB is more important than any individual weapons program – be it an aircraft carrier, long range bomber, or high-tech tank.  But for too…

It’s Not Buy America: Admin Aide On Trump’s Sweeping Industrial Base Study

It’s Not Buy America: Admin Aide On Trump’s Sweeping Industrial Base Study
It’s Not Buy America: Admin Aide On Trump’s Sweeping Industrial Base Study

WASHINGTON: Is the Defense Industrial Base study required by the Trump Administration’s new Executive Order the groundwork for a new Buy America push or a bold strategic act reminiscent of President Eisenhower’s Solarium project, begun just four months after he took office? Many of the defense analysts, industry people and acquisition experts I’ve spoken with…