Army on the hunt for counter-drone tech as firms show off c-UAS solutions

Army on the hunt for counter-drone tech as firms show off c-UAS solutions
Army on the hunt for counter-drone tech as firms show off c-UAS solutions

Counter-drone strategy was a key theme at this year’s AUSA conference, ahead of an Army challenge to industry to take out dozens of UAVs at a time.

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Drone vs Drone: Only one can capture the other

Drone vs Drone: Only one can capture the other
Drone vs Drone: Only one can capture the other

Already in Ukraine, the low-to-no-collateral DroneHunter F700 counter-UAS system can now defeat faster and larger threats like the Russian Orlan-10 and Iranian Shahed-136.

From fighter jets to counter-UAV tech, Qatar prepares World Cup security

From fighter jets to counter-UAV tech, Qatar prepares World Cup security
From fighter jets to counter-UAV tech, Qatar prepares World Cup security

With international help and high-tech acquisitions, the Gulf nation is trying to leave little to chance.