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Intelligence for multi-domain warfighters can now be sourced from logistics operations

Intelligence for multi-domain warfighters can now be sourced from logistics operations
Intelligence for multi-domain warfighters can now be sourced from logistics operations

All-source intelligence can be leveraged by artificial intelligence and machine learning to inform CONOPS like Joint All Domain Command and Control.

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How to ensure readiness of next-generation defense technology: Solving the issue of massive heat

How to ensure readiness of next-generation defense technology: Solving the issue of massive heat
How to ensure readiness of next-generation defense technology: Solving the issue of massive heat

High-performance systems generate tremendous amounts of heat that can compromise missions and make high-tech systems less effective in tactical environments. But there is a solution to this modern-age challenge.

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AI can make logistics data as valuable as intelligence or operational data for mission success

AI can make logistics data as valuable as intelligence or operational data for mission success
AI can make logistics data as valuable as intelligence or operational data for mission success

Valuable intelligence insights can be gleaned from logistics or flight-test data when artificial intelligence or machine learning is applied.

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Military innovation and savings: Go commercial

Military innovation and savings: Go commercial
Military innovation and savings: Go commercial

DoD uses FAR Part 12 acquisitions to save hundreds of millions of dollars in “of a type” systems like civil landing systems with applicability to military aircraft.

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How to unlock innovation and savings for DoD: “commercial,” not COTS

How to unlock innovation and savings for DoD: “commercial,” not COTS
How to unlock innovation and savings for DoD: “commercial,” not COTS

Overmatch is fleeting and while traditional acquisitions can’t always keep up with new threats, a different and approved practice can.

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AI Integration: Bringing together mission, systems and data

AI Integration: Bringing together mission, systems and data
AI Integration: Bringing together mission, systems and data

On the DoD’s list of modernizations, few are higher than understanding how artificial intelligence can be best applied, operationalized, and trusted.

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Operationalizing artificial intelligence: Making it work for the mission today

Operationalizing artificial intelligence: Making it work for the mission today
Operationalizing artificial intelligence: Making it work for the mission today

When you understand the mission, the legacy systems, and the data, you have “AI Readiness.”

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Radar: The key to Counter-UAS and C-RAM defense

Radar: The key to Counter-UAS and C-RAM defense
Radar: The key to Counter-UAS and C-RAM defense

Advanced radar is what makes the Army’s Mobile Short-Range Air Defense (M-SHORAD) and USMC’s Marine Air Defense Integrated System (MADIS) effective battlefield tools.

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Millennium’s Law: Rapidly delivering small sat constellations for national security

Millennium’s Law: Rapidly delivering small sat constellations for national security
Millennium’s Law: Rapidly delivering small sat constellations for national security

When it comes to delivering small satellites rapidly, Millennium’s Law rules — at least at Millennium Space Systems, a Boeing Company.

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Unmanned and Unmatched: Rheinmetall’s autonomous vehicle technology drives future force mobility

Unmanned and Unmatched: Rheinmetall’s autonomous vehicle technology drives future force mobility
Unmanned and Unmatched: Rheinmetall’s autonomous vehicle technology drives future force mobility

Future fleets of military ground vehicles will be modular, autonomous and seamlessly integrated to ensure networked lethality and Soldier survivability.

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What milestone advancements in computer chips mean for the military

What milestone advancements in computer chips mean for the military
What milestone advancements in computer chips mean for the military

At a microscopic level, advanced semiconductors are packed with modular chiplets to meet dynamic needs of air defense, robotics, and satellites.

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Unmanned and unmatched: Rheinmetall’s autonomous vehicle technology drives future force mobility

Unmanned and unmatched: Rheinmetall’s autonomous vehicle technology drives future force mobility
Unmanned and unmatched: Rheinmetall’s autonomous vehicle technology drives future force mobility

Future fleets of military ground vehicles will be modular, autonomous and seamlessly integrated to ensure networked lethality and Soldier survivability.

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Millennium’s Law

Millennium’s Law
Millennium’s Law

Rapidly delivering small sat constellations for national security space missions.

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How DISA’s new Indo-Pacific network meets the Great Power threat

How DISA’s new Indo-Pacific network meets the Great Power threat
How DISA’s new Indo-Pacific network meets the Great Power threat

Lumen is not just replacing aged transport pipes for the DoD, it is transitioning and transforming network capabilities for better speed, latency, availability, affordability, and security.