Space Force sees potential value from DoC commercial sat tracking data

Space Force sees potential value from DoC commercial sat tracking data
Space Force sees potential value from DoC commercial sat tracking data

“I would imagine that as Department of Commerce continues to mature this concept, we will definitely want to take advantage of what they’re doing,” said Vice Chief of Space Operations Gen. Michael Guetlein.

How (not) to reorganize the Air Force

How (not) to reorganize the Air Force
How (not) to reorganize the Air Force

After a top Air Force official strongly hinted at coming changes to the Air Force’s structure, Adam Lowther and Curtis McGiffin warn that one particular option would be bad news for America’s nuclear readiness.

To deter China, Space Force acquisition command focusing on networks, AI/ML and ‘dynamic’ ops

To deter China, Space Force acquisition command focusing on networks, AI/ML and ‘dynamic’ ops
To deter China, Space Force acquisition command focusing on networks, AI/ML and ‘dynamic’ ops

“I don’t care what it takes to get after the threat. That’s really the cultural change that we’re embarking upon,” SSC head Lt. Gen. Michael Guetlein told the Space Force Association’s inaugural Spacepower conference.

‘Huge change’ afoot? Air Force apparently weighing major command structure revamp

‘Huge change’ afoot? Air Force apparently weighing major command structure revamp
‘Huge change’ afoot? Air Force apparently weighing major command structure revamp

A senior Space Force official said the Air Force was getting “rid” of the current structure as part of a great power reoptimization, but later walked back his comments as “not concrete.”

US, allies struggle to find ‘collaborative’ space development projects

US, allies struggle to find ‘collaborative’ space development projects
US, allies struggle to find ‘collaborative’ space development projects

Air Marshall Harvey Smyth, UK Air and Space Commander, suggested that one way to move forward might be to find a mutually desired “capability set” and pursue it under a joint program along the lines of the F-35.

Along with new office, Space Force plots new funding pot for commercial buys by 2025

Along with new office, Space Force plots new funding pot for commercial buys by 2025
Along with new office, Space Force plots new funding pot for commercial buys by 2025

Space Systems Command’s new Commercial Space Marketplace for Innovation and Collaboration (COSMIC) facility in Chantilly, Virg., will serve as the “physical headquarters” for the SSC Commercial Space Office.

In Space, baby steps and a ponderous ‘pivot’: 2022 in Review

In Space, baby steps and a ponderous ‘pivot’: 2022 in Review
In Space, baby steps and a ponderous ‘pivot’: 2022 in Review

For the newest military arm, this year saw it plant the seeds for important changes in everything from strategy to acquisition.

24 hours from ‘go’: Next Space Force ‘responsive launch’ experiment aims to loft satellite in a hurry

24 hours from ‘go’: Next Space Force ‘responsive launch’ experiment aims to loft satellite in a hurry
24 hours from ‘go’: Next Space Force ‘responsive launch’ experiment aims to loft satellite in a hurry

“We have spent a lot of time admiring the problem of how to be responsive in space,” SSC head Lt. Gen. Michael Guetlein said. “We are done admiring the problem and we are getting after the combatant commands’ need to truly protect and defend the peaceful use of space.”

Rocket science: How Space Force acquisition works, with many players and dual hats

Rocket science: How Space Force acquisition works, with many players and dual hats
Rocket science: How Space Force acquisition works, with many players and dual hats

Lt. Gen. Michael Guetlein, as head of SSC, has enormous responsibility for space acquisition programs, but lacks direct financial control.

DoD space acquisition agencies ‘de-conflicted’ 2024 budget requests, a first

DoD space acquisition agencies ‘de-conflicted’ 2024 budget requests, a first
DoD space acquisition agencies ‘de-conflicted’ 2024 budget requests, a first

The member agencies of the Program Integration Council now are all “cross-cleared” so they can share information about their planned space acquisitions, said Lt. Gen. Michael Guetlein, head of Space Systems Command.

To infinity and beyond: New Space Force unit to monitor ‘xGEO’ beyond Earth’s orbit

To infinity and beyond: New Space Force unit to monitor ‘xGEO’ beyond Earth’s orbit
To infinity and beyond: New Space Force unit to monitor ‘xGEO’ beyond Earth’s orbit

Space Force has established the new 19th Space Defense Squadron to monitor what officials now refer to as “xGEO” space.

2024 Space Force budget to show ‘large pivot’ to ‘China fight’

2024 Space Force budget to show ‘large pivot’ to ‘China fight’
2024 Space Force budget to show ‘large pivot’ to ‘China fight’

“2026 is the fight we’ve got to get ready for,” said Space System Command head Lt. Gen. Michael Guetlein.

US space leaders warn sat operators to beware likely Russian interference

US space leaders warn sat operators to beware likely Russian interference
US space leaders warn sat operators to beware likely Russian interference

“We’ve been talking about the fact that space is contested, and we’re probably right in the middle now of our first space fight,” said Lt. Gen. Michael Guetlein.

Exclusive: Space acquisition shop set for another re-org, following Congress-backed SWAC model

Exclusive: Space acquisition shop set for another re-org, following Congress-backed SWAC model
Exclusive: Space acquisition shop set for another re-org, following Congress-backed SWAC model

The Space Warfighting Analysis Center has started laying out force designs for critical operations, but will SSC be able to transition those blueprints into real-world acquisition programs, Lockheed Martin’s Eric Brown asked.