State Department diverting $85m in Egyptian military financing towards Taiwan and Lebanon

State Department diverting $85m in Egyptian military financing towards Taiwan and Lebanon
State Department diverting $85m in Egyptian military financing towards Taiwan and Lebanon

$55 million would be bound for Taiwan and $30 million for Lebanon.

UAE Arms Sale Remains In Limbo Pending Biden Review

UAE Arms Sale Remains In Limbo Pending Biden Review
UAE Arms Sale Remains In Limbo Pending Biden Review

“This is well beyond my pay grade now,” said Brig. Gen. Brian Bruckbauer, director of the Air Force Security Assistance and Cooperation Directorate.

White House Needs New Arms Sales Approach

White House Needs New Arms Sales Approach
White House Needs New Arms Sales Approach

President Biden has made clear in his first 100 days that he will pursue a values-based foreign policy that prioritizes democracy and human rights. This is welcome and past due. But his administration will need to lay out a new approach to US arms sales to make it happen. US arms sales are one of the…

Human Rights: A New Role For The Intelligence Community

Human Rights: A New Role For The Intelligence Community
Human Rights: A New Role For The Intelligence Community

Human rights literally disappeared from former President Trump’s National Security Council (NSC) when he dropped the term from the position once known as the special assistant to the President for multilateral affairs and human rights. President Biden has appointed a new coordinator for democracy and human rights in the NSC. This firmly reestablishes the issue…

Reps. Mac Thornberry, Adam Smith Lead House Push For More Foreign Military Training; Leahy Amendment Targeted

CAPITOL HILL: Sequestration, Continuing Resolution, and snow be damned; the House Armed Services Committee met this morning to wrestle with long-term strategy. In a hearing not only overshadowed but outright interrupted by the House’s desperate effort to band-aid the budget crisis, top HASC leaders from both parties argued for expanding the military’s authorities to work…