Trump’s Iron Dome for America calls for space-based interceptors

Trump’s Iron Dome for America calls for space-based interceptors
Trump’s Iron Dome for America calls for space-based interceptors

In a new executive order, President Donald Trump ordered the Pentagon to move forward on missile defense, though the details are still thin.

Industry lining up to produce new supersonic cruise missile interceptor under Army IFPC program

Industry lining up to produce new supersonic cruise missile interceptor under Army IFPC program
Industry lining up to produce new supersonic cruise missile interceptor under Army IFPC program

Anduril is looking to compete as a prime contractor and subcontractor, while Boeing eyes plan to form its team.

Army tweaking new high-power microwave prototype before CENTCOM testing begins

Army tweaking new high-power microwave prototype before CENTCOM testing begins
Army tweaking new high-power microwave prototype before CENTCOM testing begins

“The system actually worked very well, but we had some, some additional work to do, from a suitability perspective,” Lt. Gen. Robert Rasch told Breaking Defense.

Army plans to complete new air and missile defense strategy by October ‘25

Army plans to complete new air and missile defense strategy by October ‘25
Army plans to complete new air and missile defense strategy by October ‘25

“We are using what we’ve learned from previous years in the current conflicts to design the type of force we’ll need to assure, deter and, if necessary, fight to win on tomorrow’s battlefield,” said Lt. Gen. Sean Gainey.

Switching course: Unhappy with options, US Army considers developing new IFPC interceptor

Switching course: Unhappy with options, US Army considers developing new IFPC interceptor
Switching course: Unhappy with options, US Army considers developing new IFPC interceptor

“In a perfect world, I’d love to have all second interceptors able to address all threats, that’s what we’re asking for,” said Brig. Gen. Frank Lozano, describing a potential five-year development effort.

Fewer special ops, more tech: Formal force structure cements a trimmer Army

Fewer special ops, more tech: Formal force structure cements a trimmer Army
Fewer special ops, more tech: Formal force structure cements a trimmer Army

“We are transforming our force structure, we are transforming our weapons systems through our modernization programs and what we’ve done, through the force structure changes, is make room for some new formations,” said Army Secretary Christine Wormuth.

Industry feedback to drive cruise missile interceptor competition timeline, Army says

Industry feedback to drive cruise missile interceptor competition timeline, Army says
Industry feedback to drive cruise missile interceptor competition timeline, Army says

Earlier this year, the service unveiled tentative plans to decide who would participate in a new cruise missile interceptor competition in FY25. Industry feedback over the coming weeks could alter that date and reshape the acquisition timetable.

Second defender: Army to pick batch of cruise missile interceptors in 2025 for new competition

Second defender: Army to pick batch of cruise missile interceptors in 2025 for new competition
Second defender: Army to pick batch of cruise missile interceptors in 2025 for new competition

In a bid to win a spot on the IFPC Inc 2 program as the second interceptor, Israel’s Rafael will throw its hat into the ring with Iron Dome’s Tamir interceptor, while Boeing and Lockheed say they may have contenders too.

Army gets its hands on new high-power microwave prototype from Epirus

Army gets its hands on new high-power microwave prototype from Epirus
Army gets its hands on new high-power microwave prototype from Epirus

“The IFPC-HPM platoon will undergo capabilities and limitations testing by the Army to develop tactics, techniques and procedures for how the capability will be used in theater as part of a layered defense posture for the counter-UAS mission,” an Epirus spokesman told Breaking Defense.

Slide to the right: Army now predicting first Enduring Shield launcher delivery by year’s end

Slide to the right: Army now predicting first Enduring Shield launcher delivery by year’s end
Slide to the right: Army now predicting first Enduring Shield launcher delivery by year’s end

While the company says a prototype launcher is “nearly complete,” in the meantime the Army is receiving Raytheon’s AIM-9X interceptor with plans to confirm that thermal management problems have been solved.

Tying it together: Army eyes evolving test plan new capabilities bound for Guam

Tying it together: Army eyes evolving test plan new capabilities bound for Guam
Tying it together: Army eyes evolving test plan new capabilities bound for Guam

The service anticipates fielding its first Integrated Battle Command System (IBCS) in 2024, a C2 system that will be a centerpiece for the air defense effort.

Army delays IFPC Inc 2 program operational assessment to ‘early’ FY25

Army delays IFPC Inc 2 program operational assessment to ‘early’ FY25
Army delays IFPC Inc 2 program operational assessment to ‘early’ FY25

Lingering supply chain woes have delayed Dynetics first Enduring Shield launcher prototype delivery to the Army which has, in turn, delayed testing plans.

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Bringing powerful battlespace capabilities to bear through the unified C2 of IBCS

Bringing powerful battlespace capabilities to bear through the unified C2 of IBCS
Bringing powerful battlespace capabilities to bear through the unified C2 of IBCS

The Integrated Battle Command System (IBCS) allows commanders to jointly plan, coordinate and synchronize operations across air, land, sea and space assets.

Missiles and lasers: How the Army wants to advance its Indirect Fire Protection Capability portfolio

Missiles and lasers: How the Army wants to advance its Indirect Fire Protection Capability portfolio
Missiles and lasers: How the Army wants to advance its Indirect Fire Protection Capability portfolio

The service is on the hunt for a supersonic interceptor for Dynetics’ IFPC Increment 2 launcher, also dubbed Enduring Shield, and looking for a high-energy laser.