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Implementing strategic deterrence through test

Implementing strategic deterrence through test
Implementing strategic deterrence through test

United States defense leaders can leverage private sector solutions to maintain the country’s position in the Indo-Pacific region and leap ahead of its peer competitors in hypersonic test and development.

For military spending to counter China, PDI tells only a small part of the story

For military spending to counter China, PDI tells only a small part of the story
For military spending to counter China, PDI tells only a small part of the story

Lawmakers and taxpayers should know PDI is not reflective of the defense investment to counter the pacing challenge of China, AEI’s Elaine McCusker writes.

US-China Likely To Clash At Shangri La

US-China Likely To Clash At Shangri La
US-China Likely To Clash At Shangri La

We could see the most direct U.S. challenge to China since 2005, when Defense Secretary Rumsfeld became the proverbial skunk at the globalist garden party in Singapore by bluntly chastising the Chinese for what was then only the very beginning of their military modernization program.