“This is a significant step in our partnership with the Philippines, our oldest treaty ally in the region,” said Brig. Gen. Bernard Harrington, commanding general of the 1st MDTF.
By Ashley Roque
Lockheed says missile test “successful,” won’t say exactly how far it went.
By Andrew Eversden
The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) is reportedly finishing its study of command and control architecture options to best defend Guam, the farthest outpost of our homeland. This new C2 system must have three features: an open architecture, the ability to bring different services’ radars and interceptors together, and disaggregation. Since leaving Indo-PACOM to pursue other…
By Harry Harris
A top Pentagon official today expressed skepticism over China’s nuclear intentions, but he maintained the US wants Beijing at the table for New START talks with Russia
By Paul McLeary
The move sets up a fight with Capitol Hill, which wasn’t given the legally-mandated 120-day notice of the US intent to withdraw from the pact.
By Paul McLeary
Gen. Tod Wolters reveals he’s built new infrastructure in Spain, waiting for the Navy to add two more destroyers to the four already there.
By Paul McLeary
The Pentagon’s second test of a previously-banned missile went as planned today, with the US upping its game from a cruise missile to a ballistic missile.
By Paul McLeary
PrSM will likely become the mainstay of future Army artillery brigades taking on everything from Russian anti-aircraft batteries to Chinese warships.
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.
AUSA: It’s one of the Army’s top priorities, the Precision Strike Missile, a weapon to replace the venerable ATACMS missile built by Lockheed. Lockheed is competing for the prize, and it’s the incumbent, which can be a powerful factor in winning a competition. Raytheon, maker of the Patriot, SM-3 and SM-6 missiles, is driving hard to…
By Colin Clark
The Trump administration has watered down U.S. global leadership to coercive deal-making. The dangerous contours of a world in crisis are now coming into stark relief.
By James Kitfield
The test puts the nail in the coffin of the INF Treaty, which the US withdrew from earlier this month.
By Paul McLeary
Pentagon brass universally support the US developing a new generation of conventional intermediate long-range missiles, and the Army is rushing to meet the challenge as the INF Treaty approaches its likely Aug. 2 demise.
By Paul McLeary
A junior GOP congressman will challenge the Democratic House leadership to restore $96 million in funding for intermediate-ranged conventional missiles, cut by the Democratic majority for fear the new weapons would reignite an arms race that ended in 1987.
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.
It may seem counterintuitive that America investing in a new nuclear weapon design could help lower the chances of a nuclear conflict. But in this new op-ed, Naval War College professor David A. Cooper argues just that, noting that the concept for a new sea-launched cruise missile could end up benefitting nonproliferation and arms control…
By David A. Cooper