The forgotten hurdles of a US-Saudi defense pact

The forgotten hurdles of a US-Saudi defense pact
The forgotten hurdles of a US-Saudi defense pact

In this op-ed, Bilal Y. Saab lays out some of the challenges in forging a US-Saudi Arabia defense pact.

DoD and Congress should walk away from CMMC

DoD and Congress should walk away from CMMC
DoD and Congress should walk away from CMMC

In this op-ed, William Greenwalt of the American Enterprise Institute lays out reasons why the DoD and Congress should move away from CMMC 2.0.

For a successful NATO summit, leaders must mind the 4 Ms

For a successful NATO summit, leaders must mind the 4 Ms
For a successful NATO summit, leaders must mind the 4 Ms

In this op-ed analyst Joshua Huminski lays out what officials should focus on during one of the most crucial meetings in the alliance’s history.

It’s time to make a new international cooperation office within the Pentagon

It’s time to make a new international cooperation office within the Pentagon
It’s time to make a new international cooperation office within the Pentagon

In this op-ed, Jerry McGinn says the Senate Armed Services Committee should seriously consider the creation of a new office inside DoD for international cooperation.

The concept driving the Army’s air assault plans for the Indo-Pacific

The concept driving the Army’s air assault plans for the Indo-Pacific
The concept driving the Army’s air assault plans for the Indo-Pacific

In this op-ed, Rebecca Grant of the Lexington Institute explains why FLRAA will be a keystone for the Army’s future in the Indo-Pacific.

Unleashing innovation: The case for a drone operator branch in the US Army

Unleashing innovation: The case for a drone operator branch in the US Army
Unleashing innovation: The case for a drone operator branch in the US Army

In this op-ed, John Ferrari explains why, despite the Army’s reservations, a new drone corps could be good for innovation.

The National Guard is essential to America’s Indo-Pacific strategy

The National Guard is essential to America’s Indo-Pacific strategy
The National Guard is essential to America’s Indo-Pacific strategy

In this op-ed, Gen. Daniel R. Hokanson discusses how the National Guard has been working with allies in the Indo-Pacific.

Differentiating innovation: From performance art to production scale

Differentiating innovation: From performance art to production scale
Differentiating innovation: From performance art to production scale

In this op-ed, Andrew Metrick of CNAS explains why the DoD needs to get on the same page about innovation.

America needs to keep pushing Canada on defense spending

America needs to keep pushing Canada on defense spending
America needs to keep pushing Canada on defense spending

Canada’s recent Defense Policy Update (DPU) paved the way to eventually reach two percent GDP spending – but still has a long way to go, say Canadian analysts Jamie Tronnes and Richard Shimooka in this op-ed.

Don’t sacrifice US leadership on GPS to protect against unproven security risks

Don’t sacrifice US leadership on GPS to protect against unproven security risks
Don’t sacrifice US leadership on GPS to protect against unproven security risks

In this op-ed, two representatives from the telecom industry argue the US should not restrict receive-only signals operated by China and Russia.

Time to create a new quad for the Arctic Pacific to counter China and Russia

Time to create a new quad for the Arctic Pacific to counter China and Russia
Time to create a new quad for the Arctic Pacific to counter China and Russia

The US and Canada should turn to Japan and South Korea, two pivotal treaty allies with strategic interests and unique capabilities that could bolster Arctic security, according to analysts Chan Mo Ku and Jinwan Park.

House defense policy draft: A good first step, but some missed opportunities

House defense policy draft: A good first step, but some missed opportunities
House defense policy draft: A good first step, but some missed opportunities

In this op-ed, Elaine McCusker and John Ferrari of AEI call out what they see as the good and the bad in the HASC NDAA draft.

To counter China, the US must strengthen ammunition production

To counter China, the US must strengthen ammunition production
To counter China, the US must strengthen ammunition production

In this op-ed, retired Maj. Gen. James Marks discusses the importance of domestic nitrocellulose production to keep up with America’s needs.

US postured to lose without a Standing Combined Joint Task Force in INDOPACOM

US postured to lose without a Standing Combined Joint Task Force in INDOPACOM
US postured to lose without a Standing Combined Joint Task Force in INDOPACOM

In this op-ed, John D. Rosenberger discusses the need for a Standing Combined Joint Task Force to face the China threat.