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Combat proven, flexible and ready now

Combat proven, flexible and ready now
Combat proven, flexible and ready now

The versatile and proven Oshkosh Defense HEMTT and PLS provide the payload, protection, and digital infrastructure to support virtually any mission – today and for years to come.

DARPA’s Hypersonic OpFires Aims For Army 1,000-Mile Missile

DARPA’s Hypersonic OpFires Aims For Army 1,000-Mile Missile
DARPA’s Hypersonic OpFires Aims For Army 1,000-Mile Missile

With ground tests this year and a full-up flight test in 2023, OpFires hopes to become the Army’s long-term solution for its Mid-Range Capability missile.

Army Wants 70 Self-Driving Supply Trucks By 2020

Army Wants 70 Self-Driving Supply Trucks By 2020
Army Wants 70 Self-Driving Supply Trucks By 2020

The Army is ready for unmanned vehicles but not yet for a completely unmanned convoy. The 2020 iteration is called Expedient Leader-Follower because the Army still wants a human soldier driving the lead vehicle, with up to nine autonomous trucks following in its trail. But Oshkosh and Robotic Research told me they could take the humans out altogether, if the Army wanted.