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An Imminent NIST Compliance Imperative for Defense Primes and Subcontractors

An Imminent NIST Compliance Imperative for Defense Primes and Subcontractors
An Imminent NIST Compliance Imperative for Defense Primes and Subcontractors

Five Crucial Details You Must Know.

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As CMMC Enters the Readiness Phase Will Subcontractors be Ready?

As CMMC Enters the Readiness Phase Will Subcontractors be Ready?
As CMMC Enters the Readiness Phase Will Subcontractors be Ready?

As CMMC, the DoD cybersecurity compliance program, continues to evolve, will prime contractors and their subcontractors be ready for assessment and certification?

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CMMC 1.0 vs. NIST 800-171 – Eight Essential Differences

CMMC 1.0 vs. NIST 800-171 – Eight Essential Differences
CMMC 1.0 vs. NIST 800-171 – Eight Essential Differences

Now is the time for defense contractors to explore the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) program requirements. A good place to start is by understanding the differences between CMMC and the NIST 800-171 compliance program.

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Obama to Gates: “One of the Best” SecDefs

Washington: On his last day on the job, Defense Secretary Robert Gates received the nation’s highest civilian honor and unstinting praise from President Obama and Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The initial and official view of Gates’ tenure as Defense Secretary was overwhelmingly positive, with President Obama leading the way.…