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A new approach to speed, scale and efficiency for the industrial base

A new approach to speed, scale and efficiency for the industrial base
A new approach to speed, scale and efficiency for the industrial base

Radars, EW, EO/IR, space imagery, and microelectronics are brought under one roof for a streamlined approach to common people and factories.

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Intelligence Community and Space Force challenges intersect and require closer collaboration

Intelligence Community and Space Force challenges intersect and require closer collaboration
Intelligence Community and Space Force challenges intersect and require closer collaboration

“Mission engineering” can integrate space and ground assets to push data to the edge.

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Airborne EW: Dominating the spectrum to win battles

Airborne EW: Dominating the spectrum to win battles
Airborne EW: Dominating the spectrum to win battles

It takes a layered defense plan to be survivable, which means jammers to disable, deceive, and disrupt, along with onboard self-protect and off-board decoys.

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The national security space enterprise is being modernized and it’s happening from the ground

The national security space enterprise is being modernized and it’s happening from the ground
The national security space enterprise is being modernized and it’s happening from the ground

Digital engineering and modern tools and processes offer near-term opportunities to improve satellite mission planning, data processing, command and control, and cybersecurity.

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Facing air and missile threats from all sides, the Army’s LTAMDS 360° radar sees all

Facing air and missile threats from all sides, the Army’s LTAMDS 360° radar sees all
Facing air and missile threats from all sides, the Army’s LTAMDS 360° radar sees all

Six LTAMDS radars are being tested in parallel to speed this transformational warfighting capability to U.S. Army and international air defense forces.

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Meet the U.S. Army’s LIDS: A sure shot against drones

Meet the U.S. Army’s LIDS: A sure shot against drones
Meet the U.S. Army’s LIDS: A sure shot against drones

Raytheon’s KuRFS radars and Coyote® effectors team up to defeat evolving, proliferating unmanned aircraft systems threat.

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Fortifying air bases

Fortifying air bases
Fortifying air bases

Raytheon integrated air defense systems — advanced radars, command and control systems and interceptors — form a multi-layered shield for air base defense.

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Raytheon’s IAMD: Advancing global security by meeting customer demand

Raytheon’s IAMD: Advancing global security by meeting customer demand
Raytheon’s IAMD: Advancing global security by meeting customer demand

Advanced solutions for a layered defense against complex threats.

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RAIVEN: Sensing at the edge and beyond the pixel with embedded hyperspectral imaging and artificial intelligence

RAIVEN: Sensing at the edge and beyond the pixel with embedded hyperspectral imaging and artificial intelligence
RAIVEN: Sensing at the edge and beyond the pixel with embedded hyperspectral imaging and artificial intelligence

For Future Vertical Lift, the Army wants new and innovative technology that transforms their platforms into advanced weapons systems. One such technology is Raytheon Technologies’ revolutionary RAIVEN Turret 1000, first in a new family of EO/IR systems.

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Every next-gen Navy ship will defend against ballistic missiles and other threats with the same radar — the SPY-6

Every next-gen Navy ship will defend against ballistic missiles and other threats with the same radar — the SPY-6
Every next-gen Navy ship will defend against ballistic missiles and other threats with the same radar — the SPY-6

The ability of the SPY-6 family of radars to meet today’s new threats is due to both its modular and scalable hardware and its software-defined backbone.

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The Navy’s newest, most advanced warships will all soon have one thing in common — the SPY-6 radar

The Navy’s newest, most advanced warships will all soon have one thing in common — the SPY-6 radar
The Navy’s newest, most advanced warships will all soon have one thing in common — the SPY-6 radar

The ability to track smaller and faster objects at longer distances gives naval vessels more time to respond to incoming threats.

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Raytheon Ramps Up Range On TOW Missile

Raytheon Ramps Up Range On TOW Missile
Raytheon Ramps Up Range On TOW Missile

The original TOW was a revolutionary tank-killer when it entered service in 1970. With a new warhead, improved guidance, and greater range, the newest model is not your grandfather’s guided missile.

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Raytheon AI: Fix That Part Before It Breaks

Raytheon AI: Fix That Part Before It Breaks
Raytheon AI: Fix That Part Before It Breaks

A modern mechanized military lives or dies by maintenance. But what if a computer could warn you when your weapons and vehicles were about to break, so you could fix them before they ever let you down?

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Raytheon: Robotized Factory Speeds Up Army LTAMDS Radar

Raytheon: Robotized Factory Speeds Up Army LTAMDS Radar
Raytheon: Robotized Factory Speeds Up Army LTAMDS Radar

The company is using extensive automation and a new generation of high-efficiency gallium nitride materials to accelerate development of the Lower-Tier Air & Missile Defense Sensor, LTAMDS.