With Xi visit, Saudi Arabia seeks economic wins, some US leverage: Analysts

With Xi visit, Saudi Arabia seeks economic wins, some US leverage: Analysts
With Xi visit, Saudi Arabia seeks economic wins, some US leverage: Analysts

Experts don’t foresee huge defense deals between Riyadh and Beijing, but drones are another story.

The Axis of Chaos: U.S., Saudi Arabia, & Iran

The Axis of Chaos: U.S., Saudi Arabia, & Iran
The Axis of Chaos: U.S., Saudi Arabia, & Iran

  When Air Force One touches down at King Khalid International Airport on Wednesday, President Obama will enter a Middle East figuratively as well as literally on fire. In the current revolutionary period, the region is beset by multiple cross-cutting wars, the ongoing disintegration of at least four states (Syria, Iraq, Libya and Yemen), and the ascendance…