Space Command HQ staying in Colorado, as Biden reverses Trump decision

Space Command HQ staying in Colorado, as Biden reverses Trump decision
Space Command HQ staying in Colorado, as Biden reverses Trump decision

“The most significant factor the President considered was the impact a move would have to operational readiness to confront space-enabled threats during a critical time in this dynamic security environment,” a senior administration told Breaking Defense in a statement.

Hill battle over SPACECOM HQ seeps into Pentagon’s annual $4.1B reprogramming request

Hill battle over SPACECOM HQ seeps into Pentagon’s annual $4.1B reprogramming request
Hill battle over SPACECOM HQ seeps into Pentagon’s annual $4.1B reprogramming request

The funds in question essentially are monies that the Defense Department wants to move around from one program to another deemed more urgent — something that happens every year because DoD budget requests happen nearly a year before funds can be spent.

SPACECOM basing process ‘fell short’ on transparency, credibility: GAO

SPACECOM basing process ‘fell short’ on transparency, credibility: GAO
SPACECOM basing process ‘fell short’ on transparency, credibility: GAO

“At this point, the biggest thing standing in the way of SPACECOM is political inertia and sore loser syndrome, each a detriment to U.S. military effectiveness,” wrote Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville last month in a letter to Senate Armed Services Committee leaders.

After IG revelations, CO politicians push need for speed in basing SPACECOM HQ

After IG revelations, CO politicians push need for speed in basing SPACECOM HQ
After IG revelations, CO politicians push need for speed in basing SPACECOM HQ

A draft version of a DoD inspector general report, obtained by Breaking Defense, said an Alabama HQ was justified, even after top military officials made a last-minute push for Colorado Springs.