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Air-breathing hypersonics: A new tactical capability to counter evolving threats

Air-breathing hypersonics: A new tactical capability to counter evolving threats
Air-breathing hypersonics: A new tactical capability to counter evolving threats

Because DARPA’s Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapon Concept doesn’t exit and re-enter the atmosphere like boost-glide hypersonics, it is less reliant on costly exotic materials for thermal management.

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Hypersonics: Developing And Defending Against Missiles Far Faster Than Sound

Hypersonics: Developing And Defending Against Missiles Far Faster Than Sound
Hypersonics: Developing And Defending Against Missiles Far Faster Than Sound Advertisement

Raytheon Technologies is using our broad capabilities to create breakthrough advantages.

Joint US-Australian Hypersonic Cruise Missile Moves Ahead

Joint US-Australian Hypersonic Cruise Missile Moves Ahead
Joint US-Australian Hypersonic Cruise Missile Moves Ahead

SCIFiRE is aimed at maturing an air-breathing hypersonic conventional cruise missile launched from either a fighter or a bomber.