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Implementing strategic deterrence through test

Implementing strategic deterrence through test
Implementing strategic deterrence through test

United States defense leaders can leverage private sector solutions to maintain the country’s position in the Indo-Pacific region and leap ahead of its peer competitors in hypersonic test and development.

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Reusable hypersonic flight testing accelerates technology development

Reusable hypersonic flight testing accelerates technology development
Reusable hypersonic flight testing accelerates technology development

Regular, routine, and reusable hypersonic flight testing in the operational environment is a cost effective, critical component of leap-ahead technologies.

Microsoft Co-Founder Rolls Out Satellite Launch Plane: ORS Plus?

Microsoft Co-Founder Rolls Out Satellite Launch Plane: ORS Plus?
Microsoft Co-Founder Rolls Out Satellite Launch Plane: ORS Plus?

You may want to read the headline a few times just to make sure you’re not missing the point. Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft and another one of those billionaires who’ve gotten very excited about the space launch business, wants to fly a really huge plane — built of composites, powered by six 747 engines,…