New UK military ‘cell’ to partner with US SPACECOM on space domain awareness

New UK military ‘cell’ to partner with US SPACECOM on space domain awareness
New UK military ‘cell’ to partner with US SPACECOM on space domain awareness

The UK Joint Task Force-Space Defense Commercial Operations Cell (JCO) in effect will extend the time the SPACECOM can keep tabs on satellites, especially those owned by adversaries, and dangerous space debris.  

The next energy frontier: A race for solar power from space?

The next energy frontier: A race for solar power from space?
The next energy frontier: A race for solar power from space?

The concept of solar power satellites, first posited in 1968, seems to be back in fashion — not just in the US with initiatives at DoD and NASA, but around the globe, including in Beijing.

Russia pulls some Wagner forces from Africa for Ukraine: Townsend

Russia pulls some Wagner forces from Africa for Ukraine: Townsend
Russia pulls some Wagner forces from Africa for Ukraine: Townsend

“Russia is very stretched … as they’re doing what they’re doing in Ukraine so I don’t think they have a lot of bandwidth to launch new adventures in Africa,” said AFRICOM commander Stephen Townsend.

UK startup to test tiny engine for (relatively) high-speed space maneuvers

UK startup to test tiny engine for (relatively) high-speed space maneuvers
UK startup to test tiny engine for (relatively) high-speed space maneuvers

“Magdrive’s future is American, 100%,” said Mark Stokes, CEO of the Oxford, England-based startup.

Joint US-UK experimental satellites will launch this summer from Cornwall

Joint US-UK experimental satellites will launch this summer from Cornwall
Joint US-UK experimental satellites will launch this summer from Cornwall

The two shoebox-sized CubeSats will each carry five miniature sensors, two provided by the Naval Research Lab and three by the UK Defence Science and Technology Lab.

In a first, NRO and British MoD to make sat launch from UK soil

In a first, NRO and British MoD to make sat launch from UK soil
In a first, NRO and British MoD to make sat launch from UK soil

LauncherOne also will carry two experimental Cubesats to test concepts related to the UK MoD’s $1.2B effort to develop its own ISR capabilities.

NRO plans 7 spy satellite launches in 2022; one from mystery foreign spaceport

NRO plans 7 spy satellite launches in 2022; one from mystery foreign spaceport
NRO plans 7 spy satellite launches in 2022; one from mystery foreign spaceport

Ahead of the Wednesday launch, mystery surrounds what the mission of NROL-87 is. NRO never talks about the purpose of specific satellites, period, but the payload will be launched to an orbit consistent with that of an imaging satellite.

Defense Lags Behind Commerce In UK ‘Galactic’ Space Power Goals

Defense Lags Behind Commerce In UK ‘Galactic’ Space Power Goals
Defense Lags Behind Commerce In UK ‘Galactic’ Space Power Goals

The new UK space strategy “seems to be in Boris’ own words “spacetastic”: a positive big picture, but very thin on detail. The U.K. does not have the kind of money needed to fulfill all its aspirations,” said Alex Walmsley, associate fellow at RUSI.

The Problem at the Heart of UK Defense

The Problem at the Heart of UK Defense
The Problem at the Heart of UK Defense

Too often political and global power ambitions outstrip funding in the British military, analyst Justin Bronk writes.

UK Faces Tough Choices To Fix Troubled Ajax Vehicle

UK Faces Tough Choices To Fix Troubled Ajax Vehicle
UK Faces Tough Choices To Fix Troubled Ajax Vehicle

“You know, fundamentally, we paid for a piece of equipment, we expect it to be delivered, and just like any other consumer we have those rights,” UK Defense Minister Ben Wallace said. “And if it’s not up to scratch, we’ll take action.”

Russian Sat Spits Out High-Speed Object In Likely ASAT Test

Russian Sat Spits Out High-Speed Object In Likely ASAT Test
Russian Sat Spits Out High-Speed Object In Likely ASAT Test

“I don’t see another obvious explanation other than it was a weapons test,” said Brian Weeden of the Secure World Foundation.

Dollar Hedges Help UK MoD Keep Calm In Age Of Trump & Brexit

Dollar Hedges Help UK MoD Keep Calm In Age Of Trump & Brexit
Dollar Hedges Help UK MoD Keep Calm In Age Of Trump & Brexit

WASHINGTON: Despite a turbulent Trump administration and a plummeting pound, the Anglo-American defense relationship remains strong, said the senior civil servant in the Ministry of Defence. “Under any circumstances, we’re going to continue to work very, very closely with the States,” Stephen Lovegrove, Permanent Secretary of the UK Ministry of Defence, told reporters this morning.…

UK Defense Minister Survives New PM’s Clean Sweep; UK Sole Source Deals Criticized

UK Defense Minister Survives New PM’s Clean Sweep; UK Sole Source Deals Criticized
UK Defense Minister Survives New PM’s Clean Sweep; UK Sole Source Deals Criticized

LONDON: Sen. John McCain would be howling if 49 percent of Pentagon contracts were not competed — especially if that had been true for more than nine years. How would McCain and his colleagues react if a company awarded a sole source deal charged the government $34,000 for a charitable donation or for “staff welfare?” One can only…

UK Needs P-8s ASAP Vs. Russian Subs: MOD Fallon

UK Needs P-8s ASAP Vs. Russian Subs: MOD Fallon
UK Needs P-8s ASAP Vs. Russian Subs: MOD Fallon

WASHINGTON: With Russian subs and bombers nosing around the British Isles while the Islamic State massacres Parisians just two hours by train from London, the British Defense Ministry is besieged from both sides. The new Strategic Defense Review aims not only to rebuild the UK military after 2010’s cuts but to make it capable of confronting…