America will be more secure if it does less

America will be more secure if it does less
America will be more secure if it does less

In this op-ed, Jennifer Kavanagh argues the Commission on the National Defense Strategy needs to prioritize the threats in Asia, as opposed to the “multi-theater force construct” it recommended this year.

National Defense Commission: Pentagon has ‘insufficient’ forces ‘inadequate’ to face China, Russia

National Defense Commission: Pentagon has ‘insufficient’ forces ‘inadequate’ to face China, Russia
National Defense Commission: Pentagon has ‘insufficient’ forces ‘inadequate’ to face China, Russia

Boldest among the report’s recommendations is a proposal for what it calls a new “Multiple Theater Force Construct” to fix the current, “out-of-date” version.

China committee, NDS commission signals new Congress will focus on Beijing

China committee, NDS commission signals new Congress will focus on Beijing
China committee, NDS commission signals new Congress will focus on Beijing

“I’m surprised at times, some of the people who just fall into full-scale China bashing and talk about how terrible China is, which it isn’t. We can’t let them do this,” said Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash.

Don’t Use COVID As Excuse to Slash Defense Spending

Don’t Use COVID As Excuse to Slash Defense Spending
Don’t Use COVID As Excuse to Slash Defense Spending

Opponents of defense spending may cite the economic consequences of COVID-19 — huge deficits and ballooning national debt— in an effort to slash the Department of Defense’s budget. If they succeed, American military supremacy will erode further, inviting aggression from adversaries and decisively undermining American security.

Hold Joint Armed Services-Foreign Relations Defense Hearings

Hold Joint Armed Services-Foreign Relations Defense Hearings
Hold Joint Armed Services-Foreign Relations Defense Hearings

The best way for America to develop a consensus on what our defense and global security commitments should be is for Congress to have a lengthy series of posture hearings that delve deeply into these issues.    They could be jointly held by the Armed Services and Foreign Affairs committees from the two chambers, patterned…